1118a RESOLUTT IOi'. IIO. 1118. ` M I \L i11J The Little Rock Rai �vay and Electric Company have at present a siding located on their East Four- teenth street carline between Vance and I.Id lmont streets, inside of the curb line on the south side of Fourteenth street a distance of ap-,L-)roximately two feet,and, The property owners in the above mentioned block on the south side of Fourteenth street betireen Vance and I.Tc Llmont desire to construct curb and side- walks, and, The coistruction of any curb or sidewalks on East Fourteenth street/ between V Ince and I.Ic "'lmont StrP ,,ts is impossible as long as the above mentioned siding remains in its present location, Now therefor be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Little Rock: Arkansas; T hat the Superintend of Public ''forks is her by instructed to notify the Little Rock Railway and Electric Company to remove the above mentioned siding on East Fourteenth street between Vance and LIc 2ilmont that cirbs and sidewalks may be corttructed and other improvements made. Adopted: August 7, 1322. attest a Y t amity ' 1 eerk. f pn ved: Ida yo r.