1124r�ESOiUTIOi iIO. 1124. L', the City Of Tittle :ock has sustc.ined a most serious l:;ss in t1_le death of John ra. Cabaniss; and EERE6S, several years of f- ithful service hc-,s endeared him to all. his associlates and our records are interuoven ti ;,,.th the record of his fL_ithfulness of life &,,,d rectitl;.des of conduct; THE �:EFORE, BE IT i ':SOLVBD BY Tile.; x;112 -7 C uL 70IT: OF THE: CITY . V LITT -; ROCK; That, in the loss; of Jolin C_.baniss tr:e City has sus- tained an i-rye"narable loss; That, the c omrunity at large has lost f .it' fug, efficient and honorable rublic servant; That, oiar heartfelt sympal},_J be extended to I.i; -, f. mily; That, this testiiilonial. of affection and tribute to his me_fiory be s?rjread uwnon our records as a -further mark of respect, a-nid further, Tir t, t'ie City Clerk be instructed to transmit to the fc- . -.ily of John Cabanis s a. co- .y of ":;' -ese resolutions under the seal o--F' t'r.e City tit: ich I1( so f,_ithfu .ly s. rved. Ado, -)ted -I- z— Atte: t; vim, f Apnrot !4