1126t / L� OLULION NO._1126. J i D,R {'AS, the -6ro adway Street grid ge is pract i : ally c emple ted , and will be open to traffic within the next two months, and `;'JHERRAS, this Council is informed that contracts have been let for the paving of the bridge and of the North Little Rock approach, and 'dHMEAS, this Council is further informed that the Little Rock approach is not to be paved at t',h is time, and r UR- AS , if the approach from darkham Street to the bridge is not pa.vec before the bridge is opened to traffic the approach ,rill be muddy, rough and unsightly in -,iet weather, and in dry weather the dust will be unbearable J-M and Trri 11 damage the City's property located on Broadway Street, T ,' OR.:, BE IT RESOLV 1- BY THa': CITY C JUITCIL OF 17H E CITY 0!+' LITTLE ROCX: That the Honorable Com-:iissioners of the Bridge District are hereby requested to pave the said ap?-,ro ach to said bridge from 11cirkham Street before same is opened to traffic,and BE IT FJRTHER RESOavVED that a coop of this request be sent to each Com-issioner b77, the City Clerk. A-o ro ved LIZ r adopted: January S, 1923. Attest: 0 it .7