1129h'� ryr RESOLUT ION NO. 112_9. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ARzANSA4i WATER COMPANY TO EXTEND ITS MAINS AND L CC ATE FIRE HMRANTS AT SUCH D ISTAY CES AS NOW REQUi RE3 BY THE CITY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK. BE ITRESOLVEL' BY THE CITY COU�dCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROC {, AR kNSAS : That the Arl,nsaw Water Company be, and is hereby ordered and renuired to extend its mains along the following named streets, and to locate fire hydrants at the points designated below; Extend mains South on Denism Street from Wright avenue to 26th Street, and inttall fire hydrants at the following locations: N. W. c or ner of Denison and Wright Avenue; N. y'V.Corner of Denison and Twentieth Street; N.V�'.Corner of Denison and Twenty -Secmd Street; N.Vv'.corner of Denism and Twenty - Fourth Street; N.W.Corner of Denism and Twenth -Fifth Street; Also to extend mains East on S Street from end of present eight inch line at Barlow Street to Van Buren Street, and then Soathward on Van Buren to Prospect, and Easirward on Prospect to Terry, and to locate two fire hydrants, one at each of the following looatiorB N.'3.corner of Prospect and Van Buren Streets, and N.R.corner of Prospect and Terry Street. Said Company shall install mains herein ordered that will be sufficient in size to furnish an adertuate supply Of water for the extinguishing of fire. This resolution repeals Resolution No.1128,adopted March 26,1923s Mepted: April 2, 1923. Attest: AP1aro v, t City Cle Mayor