1140Resolution 11o. 1140. Resolution notifying the Arkansaw later Company to extend its mains and locate fire hydrants thereo,,,, in accordAnce ft with ordinance lio. 3290. BE IT REaOLVED BY THE CIT °z COUNCIL OF T E V;Nl OF LITTLE ROCF: That the Arkansaw Water Company be and they are hereby notified to extend their mains northward on 2eyton from the 8" in 25th Street to 23rd Street, thence eastw4rd on 23rd Street from Peyton to Abigail, and locate fire hydrants at the follow- ing locations. l orth.wiest corner of Peyt -)n and 24th iorthwest corner of Peyton and 2rd Northwest corner of 23rd and Abigail Said mains to be 8" in diameter which will afford adequate fire protection and the City Clem: is hereby ordered to certify copy of this resolution and deliver same to the Arkansaw Water Company Adopted-:- September 17, 1 23. Attest. ��� ''i y Clerk. Approved .� Mayor