1141Resolution Teo. 1141. Resolution notifying the Arkansaw Jater Company to extend its mains and locate fire hydrants thereon in accordd�rce with Ordinance Lo. 3290. 1- E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE SOCK: That the Arkansaw ,ester Company be and they are hereby notified to extend their main-,- southward on .Jackson from end of the 8" main at Jackson and Woodlawn to Lee kvenue, thence westward from Lee Avenue to Polk Street, and thence northward on Polk Street to N Street and thence eastward on K Street to Tyler Street and connect to the 8" line at this intersection, thence southward on harrison to A Street rnd locate fire hydrants at the fo1lo,%7inZ locatioLs: Northwest corner Northwest corner Northwest corner IT-)rthwest corner Iorthwest corner Northwest corner Northwest corner northwest corner Northwest corner Northwest corner Forth, ,est corner of of of of of of of of of of of Jackson and Lee Avenue Lee Avenue and Van Sure St. Lee Avenue rind Harrison Lee Avenue and Tyler Lee Avenue and Polk Polk and F Streets Polk and H Streets Polk and J Streets Harrison and C Street: Harrison and 3 Streets Harrison and A Streets Said mains to be 8" in diameter which will afford adequate fire protection and the City Clerk is hereby ordered to certify copy of this resolution and deliver same to the Arkansaw :'later Company. Adopted: SepteL7fber 17, 1923. Attest: it �Clerk. Approved