1142Resolution I4-0. 1142. resolution notifying the Ark4nsaw outer Company to extend its mains and locate fire hydrants thereon in accordance with Ordinance Eo. 3290. a BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LITTLE ROC .Kt That the Arkansaw Water Company be and they are hereby notified to extend their mains eastward on S Street from the 8" line on ShreT7asberg at the intersection of Shrewsberg and S Street to Ash Street and thence northward to T atreet and locate hydrants at the following locations: North,�xrest corner of S and Terry Streets Northwest corner of S and Spruce Street (3rd Street) Northwest corner of S and Beech Street Southwest corner of Ash and T Streets. Said mains to be 8" in diameter which will afford adequate fire protection and the City Clerk is hereby ordered to certify copy of this resolution and deliver sa.e to the Arkansaw Water Company. Adopted: Sexpte.�iber 17, S,23 . Attest: Ci lerk. r I Approved Mayor f e