1180RESOLUTION N0. 1180. '.SEAS, Col. Dickison Brugman, after long years of .ty Hall reporter for the Arkansas Gazette, has been pis employers to other duties on the reportorial Gazette which require cessation of his work in connection with the City Hall; and INHEREAS, Colonel Brugman has ever been most efficient, courteous and considerate in discharge of his duties, mindful of his friends and the best interests of our City: THEUI PORED BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: That, It is with sincere ref-ret we note this severance of Colonel Brugmants relations with us, and assure him of our aporeciation of his work among us, and further assure him that our heartiest good wishes attend him in his new assignment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be instructed to spread these resolutions upon the nermanent record of this Council, and also send a copy to Colonel Prugman. Adopted: February 22, 1G26. Attest: jA'o d: ity Clerk. Mayor.