NO. 1187,
Whereas, the City of Little Rock is the owner of a
small tract of ground beginning at the west end of Third
Street Viaduct and extending to Third and Summit Streets,
said strip of land being ninety feet wide more or less, and;
i1hereas, said tract of land is situated near the
State Capitol, and if any bill boards, signs or other
obstructions were erected on said ground they would obstruct
the view of and detract from the beauty of said Capitol and
its grounds;
N UN, TIEREFORE, BE IT RESO-77ED by the City Council of
the City of Little Rock that it forbid the erection of
any- bill boards, signs or other obstructions on the hereinabove
described tract of land, and that tre City Engineer be
instructed not to grant a permit to anyone to erect bill: ~boards
and signs on said property.
Adopted: August 9, 1926.
City Clerk.
A proved: