1191_y S O L U T I O N_ NO_ 111. 70 On October 5th, 1920, the voters of the State will adopt or reject proposed Amendment No. 15 to the Constitution of Arkansas. This amendment is for the purpose of making possible the sale of bonds by cities of the first and second class for permanent imzprove- ments. These bonds cannot be sold unless the voters of the cities interested vote favorably for their sale. Under Amendment No. 11 the cities of the-State are compelled to live within their revenue each year. They cannot spend in any one year any more than they receive in that year. This makes impossible the spending in any one year an unusual amount of money for eome need that may now be present or some emergency that may arise. For instance, the newest fire engine belonging to this city is now nine years old. These engines cost from $12,000 to p15,000 each. It will be practically impossible to pay for a new machine out of the current revenue of the City of Little Rock. This city takes pride in loaning its fire fighting equipment to nearby cities aid towns when they are in troublelbut in a few years we will be in a position where it will be impossible to protect our own property. The proposed amendment will not repeal or in any way affect Amendment No. 11. The city will have to live within its income after its adoption, if it is adopted, just the sarle as it does now. This city needs a new auditoriurr�amd the people have so voted, however, after the amendment is adopted they would have to vote again before bonds ciould be sold. This city needs parks, sewers, streets and many other things too numerous to mention here. Other 7 4 if The proposed amendment cannot tax an�T person in the cow untry anywhere in thegtate. It cannot affect a farmer in any way except to make the city which he may visit a better market for his products. It can only tax the cities of the first and second class and then only after the citizens themselves by their vote show their willingness to be taxed, THEREFORE ? BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Little Rock go on record as favoring proposed Amendment L°QQ�i No. 15 and upon the people of the 0-t ate both those living in the country as well as those living in the cities to support this amendment which will mean much to Arkansas. Adopted:September 27,1926. Attest: ity Clerk. Approved: Ma oi. i