1192R E 43 0 L U T I 0 N.
N 0. 1192.
WHEREAS, the present outlet to Pulaski Heights and points west is
seriously congested at the present time arid,
"HEREAS, Street Improvement District No. 454 proposes to build a paved
street beginninget Sth and Cross Streets, down Lincoln Avenue through
Valley Street connecting with K Street at Beech or South Lookout and,
WHEREAS, this proposed street if built will greatly dirrinish the
present congestion of traffic,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Public Affairs of the
City of Little Rock is hereby authorized to sign the second petition
for this district for Fire Station No. 7 at Prospect and Beech Street
and any other property that the City i-my own in the district.
Adopted: October 11, 1926. Approved:
C ler.c.