1194(t), city to be selected by a committee named by the l- Governo WHEREAS this name General Assembly after passing this joint resolution, backedAame tM by appropriating from the funds of the state of Arkansas 30,000 for the purpose of entertaining this dis- tl7rcrt body of men 1" -- `lIYHEREAS it has been sixteen years since the City of Little Rock has had the gi-eat+ honor and pleasure of entertaining these heroes who wore the gra�/ i "-A WHEREAS it of this city and is the ambition and earnest desire of the people of "this state to again be honored with the privilege this distinguished or ipn� of playing host to THEREFORE, be it resolved that t e��City Council in its session assemble.Zes hereby extend an earnest invitation to Confederate Veterans and their allied organizations to be at some date to be named by those authorized to fix same. Adopted: March 21, 1927- Attest: City Clerk. Approv d: regular the gu e s t$ ore e r�