1224 ESTABLISHED 1819• Y/1 I' ARKANSAS' LEADING NEWSPAPER moo v u. az . y GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHERS DAILY. SUNDAY AND SEMI-WEEKLY EDITIONS LITTLE ROCK RESOLUTION NO. 1224 Whereas, the City Council of Little Rock, Arkansas, has adopted an ordinance under which a proposal to buy two blocks of ground for a Civic Center will be submitted to the voters on August /1 ; and Whereas, both aesthetic and practical purposes would be served if the proposed Little Rock federal building were located upon such an open plaza; and Whereas, it is earnestly desired by the mayor and the City Council that the new federal building be one of a group of public buildings surrounding the proposed Civic Center; therefore Be it resolved, that the Hon. Andrew W. Mellon, secretary of the Department of the Treasury, be requested to postpone final action upon the selection of a site for the Little Rock federal building until the voters of this city have had opportunity to pass upon the proposal to create a Civic Center; and Be it resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to Senators Joe T. Robinson and T. H. Caraway and to Representative Heartsill Ragon. Adopted: July 1, 1929. Attest: Approved: (ilt ) ;;_i—t,(4..40.4f) .y Clerk. Mayor. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY