1233I1, RESOLUTION 110. 1233. WHEREAS the citizens of Little stock have authorized the purchase of a site and the equipment of a ``unieipal airport, and WHEREAS the funds for said purchase are now available for said pure o oe s, TKEREFO` E BE IT RESOLVED PY x H E !" TY C IL OF THE. CITY OF LITTLE "J ROCK that the kayor and Airport, committees of the City Council be and they are hereby Luthorized to tale the necessary steps leading to the selection of a site and the purchase of equipment for said Municipal Airport ?nd to report their findinf;s back to this body at the earliest posoible date. Said report to contain suggestions and recomitLendations of this committee in detail concerning said project. Adopted: November 15, 1929. Attest: Approved: City Clerk. Y c Mayor.