1236RESOLUTION 110. 12 76. PIHEREAS, The City of Little Rock has acquired, as a site for a public nark, approximately 140 acres of land, situ- ated between Lincoln Avenue and Prospect Avenue, and bordering on North and louth Lookout Avenues, in the City of Little Rock; and WHEREAS, laid park site has never been designated or distinguished by any particular name; and WHEREAS) F. W. Allsopp made a substantial donation to and exerted much tirre and energy in the sec,,,ring of said site by the City: Now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: That said site be and the same is hereby designated as All sopp Park, in honor of said F. W . All sopp. Adopted: march 10, 1930. Attest: H. A. lto , City Clerk. Approved: Pat L. Fs i s n, ka or A-t 4z, i