1249I RESOLUTION ITO., 12 #9 IHERE,AS, Mrs. Edna 'hard Miller has very kind- ly offered to loan to the City of Little Rock, for use at the ""Unicipal -4,1-r-3or-t, a 8-Ain's bell., subject to the followini,, restrictions: C, First: That a bronze tablet, to be agreed upon, be p1soed u-,)on the bell, -.Aving, Vhe history of S.-me; Second: 'JDon the City of Little Rock's discontinued use of the bell, it shall be returned to kia. !"a 144 rd Uiller or her heira: Therefore, 31 IT REI-OLVE-0 BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of 11;11' MY 0",- LITTLE ROCK: That the j-enerous offer of Edna t-ard Miller, upon the conditions above stated, is hereby accept- ed, zith thanks, and that the Mayor and the City C;1= --xk are instructed to send to Mrs. Miller a copy of these resolu- tions, bindinc,, the City to performance of the conditions recited. Adopted: June 22nd, 1931. Attest: approved: 0 Cler