1258RESOLUTION D?o.� A RESOLUTION REPE. LING RESOLUTION 110. 1253 OF 7iE ITY OF LITTLE ROCK "ND FOR OTHER PURP03ES. '�iE E. S by Resolution ?o. 1253, duly Messed by the ity of Little Rock, Arkansas, certain electrical equipment in the 'ity of Little Rock was ordered sold to Surke ;:with, and - .;HERB Aa due to the delay of f ectin�; t:le transfer and Delivery of suit' 1,ro,)erty by reason of L. refLerenfum petition _pled a -ion said resolution, Burke r�ith has formally t:ithdralm -is offer of -urchuse for suc]d electrical eouip.sent, by his letter of December 7,1931, addressed to the :1ayDr and City Council of the City of Little �:oc <_, therefore 3E IT RE:30LVED that 'resolution Zo. 1-253, calling for „_.le __. __ . _rI o. �L. __ electrical e dui+ �e =t, be any the same is hereby repealed in its entirety. Aaoo-cea: DEC 14 1 i �;- Ci48STi: Approved: gay o:r .