1261RESOLUTION _ *O, '1261 ''HEREAS it is desirous that the hospital owned and o_erated by the City of Little Rock be given a name that :rill clearly designate said hospital to the citizens of Little Rock as the hospital owned and operated by the City of Little Rock: THEREFORE BE IT RECOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK; That the name of the hospital owned and operated by the City of Little Rock shall f om this date on be known and designated by the name of City Hospital. �l Passed.: FEB 29 101M 2 Ci A ,proved: Mayor. `.'. u RESOLUTION _ *O, '1261 ''HEREAS it is desirous that the hospital owned and o_erated by the City of Little Rock be given a name that :rill clearly designate said hospital to the citizens of Little Rock as the hospital owned and operated by the City of Little Rock: THEREFORE BE IT RECOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK; That the name of the hospital owned and operated by the City of Little Rock shall f om this date on be known and designated by the name of City Hospital. �l Passed.: FEB 29 101M 2 Ci A ,proved: Mayor.