12740 L U T I 0 N Iy R s 7 Thereas, the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Ark?nsne, believes that domestic pa.s rates charged for 5ra.s in Little Rock should be r4duced, Therefofe, be it .resolved by the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, that -rom -qtly upon the edontion of this resolution the City Clerk of the City of Little Rock shall notify in l+ritin� the Little Mock Gas & Fuel Company, that, in compliance rith this r4soluticn the Citv Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, shall, as required by law, hold a hearing at g p.m. on 1932, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall in Little Rock, to inquire into the nronriety of reducin7 the rates on a.-as furnished domestic users, and will, if after such hearinm it deems such a. reduction justified, have an ordinance -)rovidinp� for such reduction in domestic a-as rates drafted and presented to the said City Council for action thereon. And the said Little Rock Gas & Fuel C,mpany shall be further notified that if said hearing is not completed on the above date that it shall be adjourned from time to time utiil it is completed. And said gas company shall construe said notice so as to be ready -ith whatever evidence it shall desire to introduce at said hearincr. Adopted: October 11, 1932 Attes City i Approved: Mayor. RECEIVEr"' and FILED SEP `7 1932 JOHN L. KRUMM, CITY OLM