1278m C L U T 100 J BE IT 11L30LYLI) .P-,- 'ill, Ci lY COu_ CsL -" CITY U LITTLE ROCK, That the action of alderman Lloyd Terral, of the +first ,ard, in ,Dreparin Rock Gas & r'uel Company hereto bearing upon the to be ,ade by this body -,roved and ratified. and presenting to the Little a copy of the questions attached investigation of the gas rates be, and the sar -,.e is hereby ap- Be it furt _er resolved by the City Council of the City of Little tock-, that authority be, and the sane is hei�eby riven to each and every Alderman of the City of Little Rock to - prepare and present to' any public utility, °ihose rates are being investigated, or which may hereafter be investi -aced, any question or list of questions bearing upon and material to the matter investigated; and the ac- tion o -' any nlderaan in so doing is hereby ratified and approved. ADOPTED: &C, . b r LS 1 T . f - 1 P ,