1284Q J,/
WHEREAS, Chas. S. Hafer devoted over two score, of
our allotted "three score and ten" of his life to the service
of the City of Little Rock in its Fire Department, thirty -one
of which were in the capacity; of Chief of the Department, and
WHEREAS, Chief Hafer faithfully discharged his duties
at all hours of the night and day in the protection of lives
and property of our citizens, climbing up through the ranks to
the leadership in his chosen profession, and helping to brine
up his Department from a small horse- drawn organization of
years ago to a modern end efficient motor - driven fire -f irhtinE
force of today, and
WHEREAS, he has now retired fro- -m active service to
private life after a continuous service of over forty years,
TF EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas,
That this Body express its appreciation for the long,
faithful untiring ser dered the City and our citizens by
Chief Hafer, and that , request# Chief Hafer to continue
his interest in the Fire Department, and
upon the records
Chief Hafer.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread
of the City Council, and a copy forwarded to
Adopted. r '
May o r .