1285Resolution,....NO.1285. A RT "3OLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIF.S TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND TO LET A CO"-TT-.-,ACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF DRAIN TILE AND CRUSHED STONE, SA ID AND CEI:ENT FOR USE AT THE MUINICIPAL AIRPORT, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE30LVED BY THE CITY COUuCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK; That the Boar of P, -,blic Affairs is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids and to let a contract to the lo«•est responsible bidder for certain drain tile,crushed stone,gravel and cement for use at the Municipal Airport, ell in accordance with the list of requirements. nom prepared by the City Engineer. Adopted; February 27th,1933. ATTI T: ty Cle \J ' APPROVED; �yo.