WHEREAS, an all wise Providence has seen fit to re-
move from our midst our good friend, valued citizen and loyal
servant, Jp es Lawson; and
WHEREAS, he served the City of Little Rock in the
capacity of City Collector for more than twenty years, being
at all ti=nes courteous, efficient and faithful to his trust; and
WHEREAS, in his passing the City of Little Rock has
sustained an irreparable loss; noir
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in this hour of their
bereavement we extend to his wife and brother our
sincere sympathy, and that this resolution of tribute be spread
upon the minutes of the City Council of Little Rock, and the
City Clerk is hereby directed to ransmit a copy thereof to Mrs,
Bessie C. Lawson. �-
Adopted: , r\ �' M
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WHEREAS, an all wise providence has seer fit to
remove from our midst our good friend, valued citizen € nd
loyal servant, James Lawson; and
IT �4 ,�3C, he served. the City of Little `lock in
the capacity of City Collector for More than, twenty y0 aus,
being at all times oourtecras, efficient and faithful to
!pis trust; nod
jjx :. A In his passing the City of Little Rock
Sustained an Irreparable lose; OW
TIMLEFURNIV 1W. IT RMLVED9 that in this hazer of
their bereavement we extend to his wife and brother our
sincere symrpa.thy, and that this resolution of tribute be
spread upon the minutes of the City Council of Little Hock,
end the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit y
thereof to Mrs. Bessie C. Lawson, and Chrrles i. a €jon.
Adopted: March 27th, 1933
A tteSt 6
John L. KruEg m
City Clerk. c r.