1293RESOLUTION INTO. -s-1 q 'HERL -aS under instructions received from the City Council the City Attorney, Linwood Brickhouse, has requested the assistance of the Fact- finding; Tribunal of the State of , arKansas in the trial of the rate case now pending in the Federal court between the City Of Little �,ock and the :South,:;lestern Bell Telephone Company, and -I''HEREAS said Tribunal, through its Chairme :n, has advised the City attorney that a formal resolution from this Council is necessary to secure the service of said Tribunal, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITf COU?,'CIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: That the Fact - finding Tribunal of the State of .Arkansas is hereby petitioned and requested to render assistance to the City Of Little - ock in the suit no:j pending; in the Federal Court t Little lock between the City of Little Rock and the Southwestern well Telephone Company by securing an appraisal of the v 1 aluati on Of the property and assets of the said south, °iestern Bell Telephone Company used and useful in the furnishin), of telephone service to the subscribers of the City of Little Rock; and rendering; further assistance by auditing; the books of said company to -scertain the net income of sai company. Passed Attest 1yy proved: i:�� yor