1297L;v�6,SOLqLIOX, NO 1297 ej, your CownittGee appointed to draft a resolution of tribute to Hon. Homer 1. Adkins in recognition of his distinguished service in this body, beg leave'- to submit the folloyv-ing: Homer M. Adkins was born at Jacksonville# Arkansas,, an October lt,# 1890. He attended the public B--hools ol' Little Rock and was a newsboy at the age of nine. -lie enterad the drug business and continued iA this field until the entry ox I'merica Into the ',Aorld st -i"lich time he enlis"Ced in the Arwy as a private* returning k, - fro_- France twenty-five months later as a captain. After this service he becase city, salesman for Darragh S: CoTnp:,_qy and continued is this work until hizi election as -sheriff of Pulaski County in 19P30 whdcll office he held until the expiration of his second term in 1W,"7. F. stiringy tempor-,..rlly from public life,, he eng�aged In t1le general Insurance business as a member of Vae firm of Adkins & 'Silliams. In 1930 Mr. A-1kins elected to the City Couneil of Little 7-ock rom the Fourth '.'d-ard and readered a distingu1shed aldermanic se.-vice until his resiognation on August 14, 1933. Mr. kc.1kins is a 74ason Fuler of the Mks and a past Exalted. a member of thie American Legion. In 1.9 '1 he was married to Miss Estelle sc,'mith, follos-ing which began a line of notable achievements. O,zi 'Z_Uglust 15P 1933v he took the or_�th of office as Collector of Page Two. revenue -or the District of Ark­nsas- T'1,4,, post is one, of • the most importa.-it of those of the Feder, .l. Government, in tillis I'3tate- tj,L�s i,-, 1-argely. E.. res=e of Mr. Adkins' public Servicei, it would be impossible to sketcl.t. his per: onall't"y or recognize his talents witn the foregoing brier fie possesses the raref't O-L slailes aad the facility of acquiring and holing friends. His tremendous store of Qaergy anal unselilsh In tune make bAm an extremely valuable worker In any 9r0UP- Never is he too busy to listen or to help. The ratiremeat 01P Ur- Aakins fro& the Qity a vacancy difficult to fill. I None of h15 associates could be %-adindful of his faith!"'al, za'd alert zervice or iiis warms, infe(l,tious presence. His departure iL just cause for regretso yet we rejoice is the new honor conferred upon him. Our sizacere wish--and one widah we kno"M will ,�,,e success in his new public be Gansu amated..-IS that he attair, t work as in '.'is Past- Adopted: August 28) 1933 Attest: City Approved: "z:77