1298r R E S O L U T I O N NO. 1299 '9IIEREAS, it is the general opinion of the users of electrical power and lights in the City of Little Rock that the charges made by the k1rkansas lower and Light Company for services rendered by that company in the City of Little Rock are excessive, and IEREIS, it is the opinion of the City Council of the City of Little Rock that an investigation should be made of the prices charged by the Arkansas lower and Light Company for its services in the City of Little Rock, THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Fact binding Tri- bunal of the Irkansas Corporation Commission be, and it is hereby respectfully requested to investigate the reasonable- ness of the power and light rates charged by the Arkansas lower and Light .,ompany to the consumers in the City of Lit- tle Rock, Arkansas. BE IT 'FURTEER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolu- tion be - -ailed to the Fact Finding Tribunal of the rrkansas Corporation Cor.2mission. Adopted: Attest:\ September 11, 1933 Approved: i � 7'1••lls��,