13020 RESOLUTION NO. I d �/ WHERR,AS, J. C. McCall, a member of the Police Department of the City of Little 111,ock, has rendered faithful services in that Department for a .eriod of more than fifteen 7ears, end '111^REAS9 His salary as a patrolman amounts to only enough to supply the necessities of life to himself and family, T-ITEREFORE, BE, IT RESOLVED That he be allosed to draw his regular pay from September 24th to the 30th, inclusive, during .1 vi'hich time he was off duty becauso of illness. B711, IT FURTHIM RESOLVED That the City Clerk and the City Treasurer of ,.he City of Little Rock are hereby instructed and directed to -pay the said J. C. I%TcCall his regular rate of pay for the period of his illness. C 1"2(1-1