13081.2 -1 -33
R S 0 L U T I 0 1:
BE Ii FMO.L-,ED, by tho City Council of LOU* R**
rkcros ^.s, that MOO so* of
__,__._ ► . __ bo r'_nd ho is horob_- rmthorizod and
dircctcd, for and in tho nciao and bcholf of the City of Uttle
i_IpA i to si -n tho nc o of s:-.id City io thz_t cortcin
agrccront bet -rocn tho City of IMUO rind tho Ark^ns ^s
St.�_to EiE;h--: - -y Cormission rcl -tivo to tho cor.,structior- of Highw y
Rio. ' , po_svod :azd .r.doptod tho 11"
by his Council.
Adop d Dec lith,1937
Atte t
ty C rk
I, ohn um City_
City of _City Of Litt e c , Ark,
of December 1931
Ap rov\
CleFl9�.x( Clerk) of tho
nsas, horoby ccr'ify th ^t the
foroSoin` is truo copy�of . ^Xrosolution duly p^ssod by -tho Council
on tho _ 11tbj-.-y December` 193
ltc c�