O O -
',AREAS, J. 0. Bleakeney and h. T. Mulkey, the duly qualified,
appointed and acting Commissioners of Street Improvement District No. 365
of the City of Little Rock, County of Pulaski and State of Arkansas, have
submitted their respective resignations and decline to further act as
such Commissioners; and
.iMPEAS, It appears to the best interest of said Street Improve-
ment District for such respective resignations to be accepted, and for said
Commissioners to be released and relieved fram further duties in connection
therewith; and
NOW, =RErORE, This Council does hereby declare that the respec-
tive resignations of J. 0. Bleakeney and k. T. T,,4ulkey, be, and the same are
hereby accepted upon said Conmaissioners delivering over to the Commissioners
in succession, hereinafter named, any and all of the records of said Street
Improvement District 365, and upon the report of the said J. 0. Bleakeney
and T. Mulkey being correctly stated and accepted by this Council.
This Council does further declare that J. S. Adamson and E. ,'i.
acCallum be, and they are hereby appointed as Commissioners, in succession
to J. 0. Bleakeney and A. T. TvUkey, for said Street Improvement District
No. 365 of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, after they shall have duly
(ualified as such.
Adopted: Dec.18th,101.33
Atte t:
ty C e k.
' Approved;
iayor .
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