131921 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2010081778 Receiveoj: 1213012010 Pp, Recorded: 121$0j2010; 12,55.56 p^j Fi.ed Recorded it Official Records of PAT `S rE!N, ..di.ASKi COUNTY Cila CUj'rjC0ij � ,,T, CLERK Fees $35,001 RESOLUTION NO. 13,192 A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF FOUR (4) PROPERTIES OFFERED FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, TO BE USED FOR NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION PROGRAMS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has stated as one of its goals a desire to provide for neighborhood revitalization, and has taken special efforts to accomplish this goal through its use of various City and federal funds, and in affirmative actions such as the creation of a Land Bank Commission; and, WHEREAS, in order to accomplish this goal it is required that properties be obtained by the City in areas that are appropriate for revitalization; and, WHEREAS, the Land Bank Commission has chosen a focus area which encompasses the area of Interstate 630 as the northern boundary, Pine Street as the western boundary, 17th Street as the southern boundary, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive as the eastern boundary. WHEREAS, the Land Bank Commission has identified four (4) properties within its focus area, as listed in Exhibit A to this Resolution, which can be used to fulfill the City's stated goals; and, WHEREAS, City Staff has obtained a full title search on each property which revealed valid title and no significant title issues; and, WHEREAS, City Staff has performed an environmental assessment of each property pursuant to 24 C.F.R. § 58, et seq. (2003), which revealed no environmental problems; and, WHEREAS, the owner of the properties has paid all real estate taxes levied through 2009; and, WHEREAS, the owner has tendered to the City of Little Rock a check in the amount of $195.60 for the payment of two (2) unsatisfied city liens; and, WHEREAS, funds to pay the purchase price for the four (4) parcels are available in Land Bank's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Account No. 230009- G62409; and, WHEREAS, the Trustee for Jan Realty has provided the City with a warranty deed for the four (4) properties, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B; and, [PAGE 1 of 51 Resolution to authorize the purchase of properties to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs I WHEREAS, pursuant to state law the City must obtain authority to purchase property by a 2 resolution adopted by the Board of Directors; 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 4 THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 5 Section 1. Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 14- 54- 302(c) (West Supp. 2010), the City must 6 obtain authority from the Board of Directors to purchase four (4) properties from the Arkansas 7 State Land Commissioner, as listed in Exhibit A to this resolution. 8 Section 2. The Board of Directors, pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 14- 54- 302(c) (West Supp. 9 2010), must authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents necessary to complete 10 the purchase of the properties listed in Exhibit A to this resolution. 11 Section 3. If acquired, these properties shall be used for a public purpose, specifically for 12 City neighborhood revitalization programs. 13 Section 4. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, 14 phrase, or word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such 15 declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall 16 remain in full force and effect a if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional 17 were not originally a part of the ordinance. 18 Section 5. Repealer. All laws, ordinances, resolutions, or parts of the same that are 19 inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such 20 inconsistency. 21 ADOPTED: September 7, 2010 22 ATTEST: APPROVED: 23 25 sa t , City Clerk Mark Stodo a, Mayor 26 APPRO AS TO LEGAL FORM: 27 k 28 29 Thomas M. Carpenter, City A # orney 30 [PAGE 2 of 5] Resolution to authorize the purchase of properties to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Exhibit A — Property Purchase Chart // // // // // // // // // // // Resolution to authorize the purchase of properties to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs [PAGE 3 of 51 Physical Property Lot 2009 Taxes City Parcel No. Address Description Liens 34LO430009900 2114 West 10th Street Vacant Lot Paid $107.60 $88.00 Little Rock, AR (6,795 sq. feet) (Check tendered) 34LO430007600 2311 West 10th Street Vacant Lot Paid No Liens Little Rock, AR (5,940 sq. feet) 34L1890000600 2520 West 13`h Street Vacant Lot Paid No Liens Little Rock, AR (7,500 sq. feet) 1001 Dennison Street Vacant Lot Paid No Liens 34L0430007800 Little Rock, AR (7,500 sq. feet) // // // // // // // // // // // Resolution to authorize the purchase of properties to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs [PAGE 3 of 51 H rnywaIll W. (JIVotiJadc Rock Makwill L,gle Rnek, AR M01 Repr•cac ¢astrr. Barron, Jesmon kdcvcleyrncar Adla ni',irulnr Exhibit B — Warranty Deed IVARRA'N'3Y DEED (r,modclaveratir,a) R Nossi .ALL MN BY TtiE V T' MENT S TiTAT: Jan -Realty, A Tryst. --tau?dslied !n' 111we of a 'VrIM >rs ilscrm dated tle4ober 1, 20lIi, (iR,A MOTOR, iru' and in clsnm(ter M nt me Reim OP'i:'cn risrlimss ($f 0.4114 mtd. "aw grind read "Imshlo MmtdLmtocm paid by :tic C'1'1't' OY Ll`I "1'i.ls HOCK, AFUC NTSAS, a taunidpal corpmratteu. GRA.NrE&& the receipt of which is hereby ..c[:uatsicdr ad d^ocs h=by gash. Emtsvey and uarranty ousu the Crasher., urat uric its heirs and assi,taa &ttever__ the follawigg descsibol landi in tho Cun y of, 1 aiYLa— Stwc ofatAlmsos:. Los 1 Block 7 Capital Hill Eatemtion Adtitlion to tine City of Lithe Ruck i'viaw covrltg, Arhauaas, mere comma "•,a known as igot Dennison Street Little Rock, l rkautum 72202, Lot S Block 4 C.aolol -fill t:utenvion Addition to the 1 H7l of LiMe Rork, Pulaski €audly, Arkamsus, mart coaulsonly Looms as 2. 114 Wtst 101k Street, Little Roca, Aekaasas 722€+1. rke West 50 sect of Losm M.:4 and 12, Block 6, C uphsrd Hill txtonsien ;~stMWots to the City or Little Ruck, PuitoLi County, Arkansas, mare cnmmnnly kno,la w 2311 Wg,5t Ill°' Sretq#, Little Reek, *-Aransas 7,'P -92, I he b;aR15 feet of I.ol 7 add tike 'liVeM, 40 feel aF Lot a, flOd 1 SVarffim sod BrasvaPs:idditven to the Cky of liMc §lock, Palaski Cusurly Arkgnsa3, score co ramun lg known no, VUb West 13" Sorea.E', Little hock, Aeksmarrs 72241. To have and s: hole, ths: aeiaae invo the .'s`r„Mc and nnto its heirs, aaii ruxiugto fvravm.. with all t enrrmeftm, appurtzrame w,and thmn rlu belonging San Rushy, a rir st, f.;r and in consideration of such za= of smraxcy, he,=bp r'desw and rcl,n:lui�a U;rco gJsc liftvi4ex, dad ante its. lairs mad araigus friar. -vx, s1i my righist ;d perlsiU37¢} of outezy, dower, and hanesra sd n.sn' to such lands. W'4TNESS, my kmd amt seal t%e /U" • ciavnf ?,I' 10. Resolution to authorize the purchase of properties to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs na Rvtmlty, A Trani Test nsm 7261(1 [PAGE 4 of 51 040 of I .4k Rock (-PkNTKI� Soill W, Markhm RedevAGpfflen A(I or Ciby! Of UtaW DOCUMENTARY TAX ,91 A•KMYNT i CcnifV wider of falK wranng #w the 6WN- Uorruca amorrut of docuffkmtaf, -Mmla; have been pl=wd an dUPWII, paid.) (-P-v of UdIc R .k 'eNw. Marnina Liff kArk gx ;C4 Ljj f;m. rawr ACKNOWLEDGIPMENT STATE OFARKAWS) )SS Oak this dUY came buiarn me, ih- urdes�sign* amntm' pmWip within and for the uouncy and state albraisald. daily commiissik%ed and ack"g, Vrt onnvy appiciavd., C%rihi Vi'adc, A% , I rosbtt for Ja,a Ala iilly. A Trial, keown, to ate as the Ch"tar in tho "OiMx DuCA, and "kn*;vlcdgcd W fficy lunie g—.c,utod ft same for thc and a u es thmic, incalkmed. wad get fr & Wl'f'NFSS a-,, haad, and seal as awli itaLatv public EN Lv-�-- 4"ya 1010. 77, 77. ,e My ('�Tnarisgicm cxpircq: 7, 'Wa b. CLARY GN =.en .2D'a 2.mn, Resolution to authorize the purchase of properties to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs 1,:W 2 GJF2 [PAGE 5 of 5]