131802611 #00164 Received 116'20,11 2 :46 :04 PM ,Recorded: OV061201t 02:53:32 32 P , Hied ecordd iticiaccrdf I ary Crane, 1 RESOLUTION NO. a PUL.. SKI CC1i'1 ;'� _ Y CjRC� �l = !CO LTY CU-= RK 2 Fees $30.00 3 4 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT TITLE TO P)KVrr is 'Y Uiivtii-r i ' i ii iris; 5 CITY OF LITTLE ROCK BY QUITCLAIM DEED, TO BE USED FOR 6 NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION PROGRAMS; AND FOR OTHER 7 PURPOSES. 8 9 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has stated as one of its goals a desire to provide for 10 neighborhood revitalization, and has taken special efforts to accomplish this goal through its use of 11 various City and federal funds, and in affirmative actions such as the creation of a Land Bank 12 Commission; and, 13 WHEREAS, in order to accomplish this goal is it required that properties be obtained by the City in 14 areas that are appropriate for revitalization; and, 15 WHEREAS, Ms. Bertha O. Stanley has indicated her desire to donate to the City of Little Rock her 16 property located at 2001 Abigail Street; and, 17 WHEREAS, the City wishes to accept the property for use in its neighborhood revitalization efforts; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 and, WHEREAS, City Staff has conducted a title search of the property which revealed valid title to the property and no significant title issues; and, WHEREAS, the City has performed an environmental assessment of the property pursuant to 24 C.F.R. § 58, et seq. (2003), which revealed no environmental problems; and, WHEREAS, in consideration for the donation of the property for the public purpose of neighborhood revitalization, the City has agreed to pay real estate taxes for 2009 in the amount of $64.86; and, WHEREAS, funds to pay the delinquent taxes are available in Land Bank Account No. 210359 63390 S35B442; and, WHEREAS, Ms. Bertha O. Stanley has provided the City with a Quitclaim Deed to the property, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, state law requires that the City accept the property by resolution adopted by the Board of Directors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: [PAGE 1 of 41 Resolution to accept title to property donated to the City of Little Rock to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Section 1. The Board of Directors hereby accepts the quitclaim deed to the property described in Exhibit A in favor of the City of Little Rock. Section 2. The property shall be used for a public purpose, specifically for City revitalization programs. Section 3. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall remain in full force and effect a if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of the ordinance. Section 4. Repealer. All laws, ordinances, resolutions, or parts of the same that are inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. ADOPTED: August 17, 2010 ATTEST: Susan n ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: W � Thomas M. Carpenter, City Ittorney // Resolution to accept title to property donated to the City of Little Rock to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs APPROVED: Mark Stodola, Mayor [PAGE 2 of 41 I M§ Vamd Ryl City nrl.Mc Reek 500 P!. Atarkhan i Ulna Rnel, AR Mal Repr rotative: ISr}lmly,tefle,snn R:dcvc]opncnt Administruor EXIIIBIT A QUITCL.ailil4 DEED KNOW All. MEN BY THESE. PRRSKNI TS TnTAT: 1, Bertha U. Stanley, an unmarried person,. GRANTOR, for and in consideration of tlic sum. of Tm dollars {'di 10.041 and other good and vaioabic consideration paid by the [STY OF T,TTTT.E ROC.'K, ,1iRKA,.N5AJS. a mooi0pal corporation, GRAN TTY, h: rrouvipt of w1riyh i5 boruby ac:km,wlud wdj + acs h4 lvby Ztrunl, convey tII9Ll QLrtR:laino amtir Ihl: f er:antaa, and urLln Sty hoiiti and L \Nig i% lint/ ri', 1bC li4lowing drsclibed lands 111 Lhe County Llt Pulaski, iYwe 14 A&,:msas: Lot 1 Block 1 of Sant NVdch Addition to the (Sty of Little Rock, Pula*ki County, A.rkawas, move commonly known m 2001 Abigail Road, l.ittly R11e14 All TZ204. (pamol Nn..141,1 00000106) I o haw and to hold the same unto the liratma, and unto its heirs, and assigns folc er:. cctith roll Ikn47?rcnt4, apinatcnsttccs, matt &x ditaarcu#s thcrcunto b: cmg*n L Bertha 0. Sl:anlep, fir raid . in considoroti io of st li saran ul morrov, bcroby reltmit raid relinquish unto the Urantee, . and lino iw heirs and ass ens fotevet, all my riillt and ixlssibillty al' c urressy, dower and homestead in and to meh. lands. WT Ts'FR.4,. my hand and seal INN ... day of _. '1 *.010. Ilerlha Stanley, t ;R.4 t R --.... 7 Monte Court Little Rocly Arlydnsas 722(4 city or Little Rock, GRANTEE R11) W. Markham Lutleltock;Arkaaaas 72201 F y ftl,,." Rritlnnv .mt�Erlin Redeeclo(yRtent. d i strator rage 1 of 2 [PAGE 3 of 41 Resolution to accept title to property donated to the City of Little Rock to be used for neighborhood revitalization programs UODU ti1EN'1':MY IAX. S'PATENviENT I testily un&r penalty of falsr stiveariug that the legall u correct 911ount 01' doLumentary stamps have been planed on dais hr,,trurreoc (if none slimmm: exempt or no consideration paid) Cay of Little Iteek 50D W. NlarWmm Litde$opk,.Admnsas 7'-291 rjLv;� IiL'iminisirslar .ACKV t7WLEDGEJMENT S'T_VIT OF NRI{ AN .S) )SS C-iIIrNTY or PT7.ASKT) Clo this dap cants befom, me, the undcrsigncd, a no€ y public siithin and for tit-: county tied stata vf-unsaid, duly +:ommiszionW and noting pc•,v'onally aappcttrod, Ikrtbm O. Stanlcy, knower In nic CJs 1310 [Drums rt ih0 lurcgong Deed, .nnl an knotvlexl}tcd d1ul. 1110y Dave caea;uW l the same for the consideration and petrpotew theevin mentioned attd set Ibnh. S ing hand and scal as such notary public this „ "� day of Norary Public lift' coanmi.niim •Lxpires.: - �+ Pvge 2 ul "? [PAGE 4 of 41 Resolution to accept title to property donated to the City of Little Rock to be used for neighborhood revitalization prograrns C s,, r�q