4480ORDINANCE NO-. 446-0 Ci AN ORDINANCE DFSIGNATING AS A RESIDENCE ZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY BORDERING THE LITTLE ROCK SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND FOR 'OTHER PURPOSES. ;VHER�L'AS the legislature of the State of Arkansas has recognized and declared that the beauty of surroundings consti- tute a valuable nronerty right in both individuals and the Y)ublic which should be protected_ by proper building regulations, and, - ,7HEREAS cities of the first class are authorized to es- tablish zones defining and limiting the character of buildin %s that may be erected in the various portions thereof, therefore, ROC::: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LIT"T'LE Section 1. That the district formed by all property bordering on Park Avenue froi_2 Fourteenth Street to Sixteenth Street; on Sixteenth Street from Park Avenue to Dennison Street extended; and on Fourteenth Street from - 'ennison Street to Park Avenue, is hereby designated as a. strictly residential district and from and after the passage of this ordinance no business build- ing of any character or building; of any character which is to be used for other than residence purposes .,hall be built, repaired or remodeled within saAC district. Section 2. All ordinances and Darts of ordinances, in so far as they conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. PI-ssed: September a, 1929 Attest City C1 rk Anp ove a.yor L • AN ORDINANCE DFSIGNATING AS A RESIDENCE ZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY BORDERING THE LITTLE ROCK SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND FOR 'OTHER PURPOSES. ;VHER�L'AS the legislature of the State of Arkansas has recognized and declared that the beauty of surroundings consti- tute a valuable nronerty right in both individuals and the Y)ublic which should be protected_ by proper building regulations, and, - ,7HEREAS cities of the first class are authorized to es- tablish zones defining and limiting the character of buildin %s that may be erected in the various portions thereof, therefore, ROC::: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LIT"T'LE Section 1. That the district formed by all property bordering on Park Avenue froi_2 Fourteenth Street to Sixteenth Street; on Sixteenth Street from Park Avenue to Dennison Street extended; and on Fourteenth Street from - 'ennison Street to Park Avenue, is hereby designated as a. strictly residential district and from and after the passage of this ordinance no business build- ing of any character or building; of any character which is to be used for other than residence purposes .,hall be built, repaired or remodeled within saAC district. Section 2. All ordinances and Darts of ordinances, in so far as they conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. PI-ssed: September a, 1929 Attest City C1 rk Anp ove a.yor