4466ORIGI NAL c ORDINANCM NO. 4466. AN ORDIZANCB WANTING PEMOSION FOR TBZ XMM91 Of A BUSIMSS BUILDING ON T8S SQUTSUST OORUR Of TSIRD O an 11 It 9T8. UD BY =a MY QW1014 or . Tu QI Tr Of LI section 1. That permission be, and tb saw is, hereby granted to the owner of Lots 10, Jig, and , nook 2930 City of Little Rank, at the mutkwout ooh of Third and Rix !treats, to erect a bwdmss buil Ung upon payment of the usual fees ps- quirsd by olty ardineuoes. Section 2. That this ordinanos shall t ; sad be in force from and after its passage. All ►s rs+t a Parts of ordiusness, insofar as they oonfliot hsrsw th, are hereby repasl,�d. Passed Attest: pp trade City Clerk. c►r.