44431, • ORD 4443, r r!_`_'ZSI`r�; r-711" 'ALIT 7 7 T:,i 71 T m S ': �-- A `.1711) BY THE (77.­.'L_r'S OF EACH OF T7E SEVERAL BLOCKS, LOTS AIM ?ARC72ILS OF LAID IN :..'ARSH_ALL STR-"ZT A."-":,X TO STREET 1 T'_ROVE7"!,i7T DISTRICT 1.10. P CF THIT'l CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKAIINSAS. -'HERZAS a iiajority in value of t',e nronertv holders o­T ning U� -%r 'o e a_-,--."ec'ed and. situated in the localit U adjoininc, U Str tit A-----ex to st-reel T ; �-.-,,DV,-� Di p, 'riot :r,, Street the Ci L7. of Little Rock, or��1w; anized for +".,e -)u,­)ose of i-al-,ini. local ifworove;,-,ents Herein by :,radinr- draining curbir�&, -uttering and r) 1�, U . I tD ) - paving Schiller Avenue from the south property ;lihe of Test Ninth U §tr,=et, runnin- south, to -I.-,.-.e north property 11 e of 7,1'est 'rel'th Stre- t., and 'pest Eleventh Street from the A, Dro'Per-ty line of Schiller Avenue, ri)nnin" ea^t,,,tlo tulne rest proper"17 line of Iarshall Street, and '_',:)_rsha.l1 Street from the south pz-o-perty line of West Seventh Street, _unni-_._.,.s­ south to the north ntronerty line of Wri--ht Avenue, nave petitioned the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the const-riiction of said improvement and that ti2e cost thereof shall be assessed upon the real -pro7)erluv in said district accordino- ZD to the benefits received; and, I 7THEREAS, said benefits receive: by each and every bloc!-., lot and narcel of real jronerty, railroad rail-road ri-:ht of 17,P-7,r ii situated in said district equals or exceeds the local assessdent t7nereon; and., t, A, Fifty ine V LM o -1T 400.00); and 'Q -,e asse�-sed _,iousand Four Hundred Dollars benefits amount to $98,987.00; therefore, BE IT 07TA11771D BY TH'2'i City Council of the City of Little Rock: SECTION 1. That the said several blocks, lots and -parcels of real orooertv railroads and rail-road ri hts of way in said Uarshall Street Annex to Stre.-.t Iyrinro-vei.,,ent District No. 349, be and they are hereby accessed acco-1-.`,in- to the asF-,esc.,.,,ent list as the same now� rer,-,ains In '.'�-,e o-f`Lice o-[' 'U':-.,e City Clerk of the City of Little Rock, Ar'ransas an' as t',e na.­e rlm-r 1­e 4- 4- 1,, ) Board of Assessor -, t.at 10 of said as- of -11e vh.!-,ie of benefits to er n-r- ­Irl o.L _Lw-id, 2aiia,oads* and- railic: 1-i-1,1is o-17. v,"a-yr s'_all 6e i)�,dd annually sai on or before the 1st eav of '00ber _-Itil the -hole o-9 assess-i-i-,ent shall have been )a'. ; the first payment to be made on or before November 1, 1929. a. r SECTIOIJ 2. Thnt a.7_l ordi--nances f), "parts of ordinances in corifl ict hererith are hereby re "pealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after tts passage. 'AaSE1 July-- l A?",-R. n ")a. ATTEST: • CIT CLARK