4384f t} 3 e, ORDINANCE N0. 4384• An Ordinance Renouncing all Rights to and Tacating certain Streets and Alloys in and Between Blocks 56, 570 58 and 59, Pulaski 'Heights Addition to Little Rock* WHEREAS, there is presented to the City Council of Little Rock, a petition filed by interested property owners representing to the Council that on August 1, 1904, the Pulaski Heights Land Company did file a plat of Blocks 569 579 58 and 59 of Pulaski Heights Addition to Little Rock and in said plat appeared to dedicate an alley b- etween the north and south halves of Block 58 and a street between Block 58 and 59 and a street between Block 57 aiRd 58 of said Pulaski Heights Addition; and WHEREAS, it appears that the said blocks and the open spaces indicated on the plat as streets and alleys constitute a single unit of land which for more than fif- teen years has been accepted as a part of and understood by the public to be the private property and grounds of St. Mary's Academy, and WHEREAS$ it appears from said petition, from evi- dence before the Council and by independent investigation of the Council, that the spaces shown as streets and alleys have never in fact been used by the public. That the spaces indicated as streets and alleys are thickly covered with lergs trees and boulders, that the grade is not such as to permit r the construction of a safe road thereon, that the spaces indicated are now and have been at all times impassable and impossible to be used as streets and alleys; that for more than fifteen yearsithere has been a fence on the north side of said grounds which has blocked ingress and egress to said street and alleys; and AREAS, it appears that there has been no accep- tauce of the dedication of said streets and alleys by any public body, nor accepted by the public by use thereof and thst there has been a denial by the petitioners for more than fifteen years of the right of the public to use said dpaoss as streets, and there is now filed by the owners of the adjacent and abutting property, a public cancellation and withdrawal of said streets and alleys as platted , from public use. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas: Section 1. That the City of Little Rock for and on behalf of the public, hereby renounces and disclaims any and all rights or privileges it may have to certain tracts of land shown as streets and alleys on a certain Plat filed in the Recorderts office of Pulaski County by the Pulaski Heights Land Company on August 1, 1904 and now of record in Plat Book 1, Page 41, said tracts being more particularly described as follows: An alley lying between the north and south halves of Block lib; a street lying between Block 58 and Block 59 and a street lying between Block 57 and Block 58, Pulaski Section E. The said streets and alleys are hereby abandoned, vacated and closed as public easements. Section 3. The revocation and cancellation by the owners of the property adjacent to and abutting said streets And alleys of the easement across and on said streets and alley is 4ereby accepted and agreed to. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage and publication, and the Clerk of the City of Little Rock is hereby ordered, within 20 days from the passage of this ordinance to publish the same in some newspaper of general circulation published in Pulaski County, for one insertion. Passed: December 3 , 1928. Approved: x� _ Attest: Cl erk