43726RDINA or"NO. 4572. A ORDIiuA��10E ice. A'i'IivG 1 - PX TECTION OF PJ$ I C HEALTH 9iD PROVID11,G FOR THE SUPERVISION, RF,Gt ,,ATIONN, AlZ INSPECTION OF TLUTIMILG AIZ GAS FITTING, AID THE LICENSING AjvD REGISTRATION OF PLUMBERS, BE IT ORDAI1rM BY THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF LITZ:E ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTIOK 1. The term "Master Plumber ", as used in this ordinance, shall be construed to include any person who, under a contract or agreement between himself and another, engages in, or works at, the business of plumbing or gas fitting, ox both, or installs or places any plumbin, plumbing fixtures, gas piping, gas fixtures, or plumbing or gas material, or who directs or supervises the instal ling or Placing- of same, within any buil ding within the city of Little Rock. T�e term "Journeyman Plumber',, as used in this ordinance shall be construed t include any person who, under the direction of and in the employ of a Iraster Plumber, works at the business of pluribine or gas fitting-, ww�x both, or who installs or places any plumbing, plumbing fixtures, gas piping, gas fixtures, or plumbing or gas material , within any buil dins within ,the city of I: ittl e Rock. ► SECTION 2. Every person he eafter workinV as a Master Plumber, or as a ounneyman Plumber, within th city of Little Rock, as those terms are ereinbefore defined, shall b registered, as hereinafter provided; and from and after the 30th day of 1928, it sha1.1 be ur�_awful for any person to work in the city of Little Rock as a Master Plumber, or as a Journeyman Plumber, without first being duly registered, as hereinafter set out. No Master Plumber srlall employ any person, except a Journeyman Plumber, registered under this ordinance, to install. any plumbing or gas fitting, plumbing fixtures or gas fixtures, or any plumbing or gas material iithin any building within the city of Little Rock, Arkansas. 11-0 Journeyman Plumber shall install any Plumbing or gas fitting, Plumbing fixtureo or gas fixtures, -or plumbing or gas material, for, or under the direction of any other person within the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, except a Master Plumber, registered under this ordinance. This ordinance sha1.1 not be so construed as to prohibit those working merely a.s plumbers helpers, or laborers, from working under regis- trants, who install the work, but such assistants shall in no instance be permitted to take the place of, or do the actual work required of a Journeyman Plumber. The word "bull-ding ",, as used in this ordinance, shall be con- strued to include any structure in the city of l ittle Bock, inte,:ded for human habitation, us ej o r occupancy. SECTION 3. $or the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this ordi- nance there is hereby created "A Board of Plumbing Supervision", herein- after referred to as the board, consisting of the Qhief Health Officer of the City of Little Roc's:, two R aster Plumbers, and Journeyman Plumber2� who are registered under this ordinance, to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council; and the Chief Plumbing Inspector, who is to be appointed by the 1-Trayor as hereinafter provided. Each me:,­4ber sha11 hold office until his successor shall be leg�.ly chosen and qualified. The Mayor may remove any of the,,fa���_A4_ �sl� f r Any - person desirin to be re,�;isterecl as a m er plumber or as a jourAo neyman plumber prior to the end of rr.,1928, and p� odmce* to the boards satisfactory evidence that he w"s repizlarly engaged at the time o of the passage of this act, in the calling for which he desires cer- ificate of registration, shall, upon payment of the fee therefor, be iven, by the board, a ceruifieL�'`e of reCistr -tion ood to Nte 9;r�, and each successive year a certificate (L registr� shaliss )ed upon the payment of the fee therefor. C #2 At r . I members of said board, provided just cause for removal appears at a hearing of which the accused member shall have been given reasonable notice and reasonable opportunity for making a defense in his behalf. All vacancies on the board shall be filled by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council . Each member of the board she-Lt-1 serve without compensation except that his actual necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his duties under this ordinance shall be paid out of City Treasury; provided this section shall not be construed as to prevent the employment of an in- spector as herein after provided, whose salary shall be fixed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor. SECTION 4. The board shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses, and to administer oaths to such witnesses and to take testimony r.oncerning all matters vithin its jurisdiction. The board shall adopt and have an official seal which shall be affixed to all certificates of regis- tration and to all other certificates which the board is authorized by this ordinance to make. ,f SECTION 5. As soon as practicable after its first members are appointed the board shall hold a wetting arid. organize by el eating one of its members as Chairman and another as Vice - Chairman.. Thereafter said board shall annually elect from its r_ie7nbership a Chairman and a Vice - Chairman. The Chief Flumbing Inspector shall act as Secretary- Treasurer of the board. All fees for examination of applicaLts for registraticn and. for inspection: of plumbing or gas fitting, and. in3tal1atior.: work shall be pG.id "Co the Chief Flumbing Inspector, who shall issue receipts therefor; and 811 such fees shall be turned over, by the Chief Plumbing Inspecto, to the City Collector, taking his receipt therefor. SECTION 6. Any person desiring to be registered as a Master Plumber shall be required to pass a satisfe..ctory examination as to his qualificatior. and cor:.pentency as a Master Plumber. The examination shal_1 nat relate to theoreticrl plumbing, but shci.1 be based wholly on the practical aspect thereof; nor shall kno-oa edge of methods or of matters eXIceedirlL the knoy2 edge of those-ordinarily qualified in such capacity be inquired into. Any person desiring to be registered as a Journeyman Plur.ber shall submit satisfactory evidence that he understands the rules and regu- lations -overning the instEillatiori of plumbing and gas fitting, as herein - aft4et out. The examination shall not relate to theoretic&I plumbing, but shall be based .,:holly on the practical aspect thereof; nor shall knowledge of methods or of matters exceeding the knowledge of those o rdiria.rily qualified. in such capacity, be inquired into. SECTION 7. E,xaminu.tior's of aPPlicpnts for registration, as Master Plumbers shall be held at such times and places and in such manner as the board shall determine at least four times a year. If the board shall deem it necessary 5 at any time in order to take care of an emergency, it may hold a special examination for a particu- lar Case, to be conducted under the same rules and regulations provided for :►egular examina,ticr_e. Any applicant for a certificate of registration as a Journeyman Tlumber shall appear before the Board ab a regular rr.eetii He shall submit such evidence as required by the board, as h.ereinbtfore set out. #3 A temporary certificate of registration may be issued to a Journeyman Plumber authorizing him to practice in I ittl e Rock, good until the next regul ar meetin`< of the board. each person to whom a temporary certificate of registration is issued shall be notified, at the time of issuance, to appear before the board at its neat regular r>,eeting at which time the temporary certificate of registration will be made permanent or cancelled as the board shall determine. SECTION S. Any applicaLt who has passed the exaxlin_aticr_, or requirements rrescribed by the board, as hereinbefore set out, shall, upon, the payment of ;1.00 to cover the cost of issuing certificate, have issued to him a certificate of rep istraticn� sigred by the Qhairmant; and secretary ofthe board, authorizing him to practice in Little Rock, Arkansas, as a Master Plumber or as a Journeyman Plumber, as the case may be, good to the 31st day of the succeeding; October. This ordinance shall in no way affect the collection of a privilege tax, the tems of which are set out in ordinance No. 2588 SECTIOY a. The board shall have the power'to suspend or revoke the certi- ficate of registration of any person registered under this ordinance, if such persor: i.3 found guilty of fraud or deceit in securing a certificate of registration or of negligence or inccmpetency in the practice of plumbing. Proceedings for revocation or suspension of a certificate shall be begun by filing with the secretary of the board written sworn charges agcinst the accused. The board, unless it deergs such charges to be trivial or unfounded. shall designate a time, not later than one month from the date of the filing of such charges, and a place for hearing., The accused shall be imt.iediately furnished with a cosy of such charges and shall be given reasonable notice of the time and place of the hearing and shall have a reasonable opportunity to appear by counsel, to cross - examine witnesses, and to produce evidence in his own behalf. If, after• such hearin" a r =Dajority of the members of the board shall. be of opinion that the accused is guilty and shall so vote, then the certificate of such accused shall be revoked; provided, -h %., the board shall have authority, when it shall deem it to be more just to the accused and not more ha:416ul to the public health, convenience, safety, or to property, or the public welfare, to suspend the said. accused and prohibit him from practic *Qi ng his trade in the city of I, ittl e Rock, for a period of not 1. ess J. than thirty days or more thar. ninety days. Any registrant whose certificate of registratior. has been revoked or suspended under the provisions of this ordinance may appeal from such order of susper_sior: or revocation to the city council , w' o de ion shall be final. SECTIO 1 Every registrant under this ordinance who desires to continue the prat ice of his ca11ing in I ittl e Rock, shall, aranualy, in the month of �, 'pay to the board a fee of 41j,1.00 for renewal certificate of registration, said fee to cover the cost of issuing certificate. Any certificate lapsed for failure to pay renewal fee may be reinstated. by the board upon payment of all delinquent fees. .An unrevoked or unexpired certificate of registration issued as provided_ by this ordinance shal_1 be presumptive evidence in all stunts and places that the person named therein is legally registered hereunder. SECTION 11 • The Mayor with the approval of the City Council, sha .1 appoint a Chief FlumbinG Inspector, and as many assistant inspectors a.s m .y be . necessary to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. rer- 1 _ a �; �� j- +„ r !LY• rte. + inspectors .0 shall be from reEistrants under this ordinance. Each sha11 have ten .years practical experience in the business of plumbing and shall not be connected in any way with any firm or corporation, directly or indirectly engaZed in the business of plumbing, and shall be a citizen and actual resident of the city of Little Rock. It shall be the duty of the chief plumbing inspector to have general charge of, a,rd supervision: over, all plumbing and drainage done in the city of Little Pock, Arkansas, and also all such.. rrork adjacent to the city of Little Rock which is under the jurisdiction of the Board of Health of the City of Little mock, Arkansas. Arid it shall be his special duty to recuire all plumbing so done to conform to all ordinances of the city of Little Lock ar,d to conform to all valid and general rules Ea d regulations prescribed by the Board of Health in reference to plumbing, and it shall I e his duty to Miake monthly repo rt s� o f all work done, to the Board of Health. SECTION 12. It shall be the duty of the inspector to issue all permits for plumbing;, to inspect and pass upon all plumbinr, of any character being installed, or already in use which he may find, or have reason to believe is out of repair or imperfect, and by written notice to the owner or agent in charge, of any buil, ding• or premises wherein any imperfect or out-of- repair plumbing or gas piping, or plumbing or gas fixtures ma.y be located, notify them to have the samc rrorerly constructed or repaired, and he shall stop the installation or use of any plumbing or plumbing fixtures, gas piping or gas fixtures, or any plumbing or gas material until_ the same shall have been made to conform to the provisions of this ordinance. Lo owner or agent in charge of any buildin` or premises, cr plumber in charge of rtny plumbing, who shall receive written notice from the inspector that the plumbing; or the g s piping, or the plumbing fixtures or gas fixtures, are being, or were, improperly installed, or are out of repair or are defective, shall continue the installation of, or the use of such plumbing or gas fitting, or plumbing fixtures or gas fixtures, but shall at Once make cil necessary changes or repairs to conform to the provisions of this ordinance. The Chief Plumbing Inspector, or his assistar_ts, shall investi E,.te �l alleged violations cf plumbing ordinances reported to him and shall file comrluint.: against any person, firm or corporation mia he may find to be, or have reason to believe is guilty of violations, and he, cr his assistants shall perform such other services and duties as may be recuired or tontem- pl ated by this ordinance. The Chief Plumbing Inspector shall act as Secretary - Treasurer of the Board of Fl.umbirg Supervision acid shall perform a:ny and all such duties as such officer of the board. SECTION 13. The sales y of the Chief Plumbing Inspector shall be fixed by the City Council and approved by the Yayor. SECTION 14• The Board of Plumbing Supervision shall be under the juris- diction of the Board of Health, and the Chief Plumbing Inspector shall make a complete report to the said Bo and of Health at the end of each. month. The Chief Plumbing Inspector shall have an office in the city hall. SECTION 15. The following rules shall govern the installation of all Plumbirg, Drainage and Water Piping done in the Cit,r of Little Rock, Arkansas. At #5 SECTIONT 16. l�ppl ica,tion for all plumbing, gas or sewer inspections must be made to the office of the Chief Plumbing Inspector, and must state the kind of inspection desired. Yorning notices for inspection must be made before 9 :00 A. 11'. and afternoon_ notices before 1:15 P. N. SECTION 17. 1 <o work "hall be covered until inspections have been made and a notice is postd in a conspicuous place. Where work is condemned for any cause u-nder this ordinance, ind the plumber doing the work is responsible, a. second inspection fee shall be charged and must be paid before amy other inspection on said work will be made. SECTI01� 18. That portion_ of the sewer or waste line that is under the house or building shall be constructed of cast iron roil pipe, and no clay or tile pine will be permitted to be ino,tall ed under house or building. SLETI01; 19 • In buildings of frarae construction a11 waste and drainage lines must be of cL;.st iron: soil pipe or lead. In buildingsbf reinforced concrete or other fireparoof construction, Durham System may be used wholely or in part. SECTI01, 20. Where any tile line wastes into a cast iron soil line, connec- tion stall be made by means of a cast iron soil increaser. SECTION 21. Screwed brass cl eanouts with iron body t le same size as the pipe it serves up to and including; 4 inches, shall. be placed in all waste lines where necessary that all parts of t'.:e line may be easily cleaned, and horizontal_ lines a cl eanout must be Placed every fifty (50� feet or less, and where cleanouts come within twelve (12) inches or less of wEills they must be extended. through same; Or if under grade line, they must be ex- tended up flush or level Z +pith same. All cl eanouts must be in an acce:f,,ibl e Place. SECTIOL 22. Soil pipes receiving the discharge of ene or more water closets must riot be 1 css than 4 inches in internal diameter and 'continue of undimin- ished size through the roof. V,1here there is more than one toilet or bath room in a bui'► ding and fix cures are l ess than fifteen (l5) feet from the vent line, �r, two (2) inch pipe may vent one end of the line. SECTIOL 23. Unvented branch lilies shall not be more than twenty -.four (24) inchee from vert line -to seal of trap. Change in direction: in waste lines shall be made with eighth bends where possible. All waste lines shall be either cast iron soil pipe, lead pipe or brass pipe; B21 vent lines shell be ei.t"Ler galvanized iron, cast iron soil , br<<ss or I-_ ea,d pipe, and of sizes here,-fter specified. SECTION 24. Pitched offsets may be used in the:. waste lilies as follows: For 6 inch pipe, 6 x 10; for 4 inch pipe, 4 x 8; for 2 inch pipe, 2 x 8. Offsets exceeding the above must be -made with eighth bends. Sanitary tees must not be used in horizontal. waste lines. SECTION 25. Each fixture must be trapped and vented. Traps to be placed as near the fix_twre as possible and in no case, more than eighteen (18) inches from the fixture. SECTION 26. Bath tubs shall waste through a 4 inch drum trap with a cleanout above: surface of the fi.00r. Traps may be of lead or brass and not lees than 8 inches in depth. Li M SEC_TIOE 27. All joints in cast- iron pipe ar_�d. fittings shoal be packed with oakum and molten lead, well caulked. Hangers must be Placed to properly support all horizontal- lines. SECTION 28. Wlien fixtures are placed one above another, the lower fixtures trust be vented.. jlhere one closet is placed on a floor and not more than three (3) feet from the vent line, the revert may be dispensed with, pro- vided there are no fixtures on the floors above. SECTION 29. 10.1 closet bowls that have traps above floors nuc-t be connected with sewer by means of a cast brass flange, soldered. to the lead and bolted to the closet flange. Connection between cast iron and closet bowl to be made by means of 4 inch lead soil and a brass ferrul e and a wiped soldered joint. Done but earthen ware bov ;J s will be permitted to be installed in builc:ing except as herein provided. SECTION 30. Frost proof closets may be used in detached buil dings twenty (20) feet or more from, buildings used for human habitation. Frost proof closets must have flushing rim bowl ano supplied with tank holding a suffi- cient quantity of water to thoroughly cleanse the bovn after each operation. 'these closets must be connected with sewer with cast iron pipe and trap with brass cl eanout in hard hole of trtzp. No vent will be required 11;hen closet is riot more than six (6) feet from the house sewer that isalrea.dy run through roof of main house. SECTION 31. Two minor fixtures on the same floor may be connected into the same revert pipe that is also used as waste 1 ine provided the 1 ine so used is increased to a sufficient size. SECTIOY, 32. l!11 floor drains that are subject, to overflow from main sewer must have an approved back pressure valve and no floor drains or back pressure valves will. be allowed_ under house, except in basement. SECTION 33. 1,1"nere tit e pipe is now being used for sewer disposal within a foundation of any buildinE; used for human habitation and additional con- nections are desired., cast iron soil pipe must be run three (3) feet outside foundation before tap or wye is inserted. I\fo roof or yard drain shall be connected with a sanitary sewer. SECTIO : 34. y a,ste a,r:d vent pipes sha11 not be � esc t_ ,,,n the followi rig sizes: For grater closets, 4 inch 'taste, 4 inch vent and 2 inch revert; Slop sir,.ks, 2 inch waste and 2 inch vest; Bath tubs) 1 z inch waste and 1-1 inch vent; Basins�l4 inch waste, la inch vent; Sinks, 2 inch waste, 1 inch vent. SECTION 35. The internal diameter of all wastes from fixtures shall not be less than the following; sizes: Iot more than 20 water closets may discharge into a vertices. line of 4 inch soil pipe. 1,ot more than lO water closets may discharge into a horizontal, line of 4 inch soil. pipe. An equal number & minor fixtures may be connected on above lines. If more Char: above number Of fixtures, size of line shall be increased to 6 inch. The following waste pipe sizes shall govern. for minor fixtures: SLOP BILKS 1 to 3, 2 inch pipe 3 to 10, 3 inch. pipe KITCM' SIDS Or WASH TRt;YS .... 2 to 6, 2 irch pipe 7 or more, 4 inch pipe 4 � #7 URINA,S 1 to 6, 3 inch pipe Over 6 , 4 inch pipe BATH TUBS Or L AL'iaDRY TUBS • • ' ' 2 to 10, 2 inch pipe Over 10 , 3 inch pipe S HO'dVER BATHS ...... • • " " " ' • • 1 to 3, 2 inch pipe Over 3 1 4 inch pipe L AVATO RIBS , 1 to 2, l z inch pipe DRITKING FOUNTAIITS and 3 to 20, 2 inch pipe CUSPIDORS Over 20 4 inch pipe In grouis or batteries of f� the servesmust end than mall er ore -hclf the area of the virus 1 than. the vent l ire rea�uired for individual fixtures. SECTION 36- bead Pipe when used as waste or vent shall riot be less than the following: UP to and including 2 in in size shall be of weight commercial- following: known as I, ight Lead.; 3 inch sh l 1 eigha t ends sh< r 5beoofds per foot] and 4 inch 6 known pounds as eExtfoot* e Lead traps comr.,ercially SECTIONN 37. X1.1 Connections of 1 ead waste and ver_t pipes shall be made by means of wiped ,;oints. SECTION 38• No solder union, common malleable ooweduin any soil lw,aste,1�ventdor with union collar o r otherwise, will except union co nriect io ns that come revent pipe on sewer side of the trap, with the trap, and then only when in or below the seal of the trap. SECTIOv 39. In coni,ecting Bar or Sod.shFoineaipl aceduinsfloorior basement pres=sure floo�Eirair_ of approved type a1 and connected- with not lass than a 2 inch pipe with cleanouts in properthis place. When these fixtures are connected by means of El, sink in floor, sink must waste through a 4 inch drum trap of sufficient depth to clean water from sink and connection between trap threaded shall be made with a threaded sink collar to insure a water'. g- t J SECTION 40. In old work where i is lupz1 vent a make fixture P a ron- siphon trap may be used. � he Pl br �Depar�1ertwill known the type of nor. - siphon trap to be used. from an ice box or refrigerator shall riot be NECTIOIu 41. The waste pipe connected direct with a box or sewer, floor drairrdthat ah s sewer aconnectiona . but must and ray be connected with a sink The waste lines must have proper cl eanouts Placed where drain pipe can e easily cl earned. S'yCTIGIv' 42. The water piping connected with the plumbing system must be of lead, brass, or galvanized iron p pean be run witth ar shall sufficient be used in the water lines. eater pipes grade and prover facilities provided for draining. SEC`!'IOIN 4;9 Sewer pipe must not be laid less than one foot below the surface of the ground if loc�1 conditions will permit. Sewer pipe on k s #8 property with less than 6 inches of covering, or in streets and alleys with less than 12 inches of covering must be cast iron with joint caulked with lead and oakum. t�Jhen aewer passes within 10 feet of a W013. or cistern it must be cast iron soil pipe caulked as above. SECTION 44. WhI ere it is desired to connect old plumbing with the city seurers, the plumber contemplating doing such work shall notify the Inspector of Plumbing, who will inspect said old work and notify the plumber what alterations will be necessary to place the work in an acceptable condition for connection with the city sevier. SECTION 4?• There shall be three testa or inspections by the Inspector, who shall be notified by the plumber in writing at I. east five hours before the work is ready for inspection, as follows: First. The sewer- after it is laid and joined and before it is covered. Second. The soil and vent pipes must be tested by water from the end of the pipe to its term- ination above roof,or 10 pounds air test in the presence of such inspector; such tests shall include all drains, soil and vent pipes, the lJALd branches, traps and ferrule joints. Third. When -oil fixtures are in place and Plumbing is reported. ae complete, the Chief Plumbing Inspector shall inspect, or cause to be inspected, all of saiu work and if he finds that same complies with the foreL;oirig rules arld ordinances he shall issue a certificate of acceptance. If the work does not comply with the aforesaid rules and ordinances, the "Pl.umbing Inspector shall a,t once notify the y -aster Plumber to rectify same. SECTION 46. 1.11 gas piping in new work, alterations or extensions shall be inspected before final connections are made or the gas turned on. All gas piping shall be properly hung, with suitable hanger c) not less than ten feet apart, and all piping shall be run in a workmanlike maniiex' and tested tight in the presence of the inspector with a mercury gauge to a pressure of ten pounds for a. period of not less than ten minutes. No shoulder bushings or lipped unions sha1.1 be allowed in any gas piping, extensions or alterations. Valves or unions shall not be used in, inaccessible places. The use of rubber or metallic; tubing; or o� metal tubing under 10 gauge in thickness, is hereby prohibited. Gas appliances which, in the operation of same, are necessary to be vented shall be provided with a proper vent to a, chimney flue or vented to the outside of the building. Regulations governing materials and methods of installation of plumbing under this ordinance shall not apply to work under contract Prior to passage of this ordinance, but such work shall be done according to ordinance of City of little Rock in effect prior to passage of this ordinance. SECTION 47. The following fees or charges shall be paid to the Chief Plumbing Inspector at the time application is made for an inspection, as hereinbef.ci•e provided: Pluribi.ng roughiLigin inspection $1.00 For each plumbinig fixture outlet .50 For final certificate of inspection 3 .00 �. .. #9 For .each gas meter connection $1.00 For gas el-Itension or alteration 1.00 SyCTI0il 48. The board shall make such other reasonable rules and regula- tions, not sneci.-Fied by this ordinance, as shall be deemed necessary to make uniform throughout t1ne City of Little "Hock, Arkansas, requirements relative to tlae installation of plumbing and gas fitting, and repairs on same, so as to better protect life and property and promote the public health, welfare, convenience and safety, but no such rule or regulation shall be in force until after it shall have been approved by the City Council of the the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. SECTION 49. No person, firm or corporation carryinc; on the business of Plumbing shall allow his or its name to be used by airy other person, firm or corporation, directly or indirectly, to obtain permits, send in notices, make returns, or in any manner whatsoever that is not in strict conformity to the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 50. livery !-faster Plumber registered under this ordinance shall give a cash bond to the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, in the sum of One Hundred. Dollars ($100.00); said bond. to be for the use of the city of Little Rock, or any citizen who may be damaged by the failure of any Master Plumber, registered under this ordinance, to comply strictly with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 51. The pk pose of this ordinance is hereby deckred to be the better protection of life and 'property and the promotion of the public health, welfare, convenience and safety within the City of Little Rock, Arkansas . SEECTIOIv 52. T,f any part of this ordinance shat 1. be d ecl area invalid, or unconstitutional-, such determination sha11 not invalidate any other part. •• 3ECTIOiT 53. Any person convicted of violating- any of the provisions of this ordinance, or of any valid rules or regulation of the Hoard, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in any sun not leas tli�_tn Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00); tared each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. SECTIOid 54. ' = ! " r te~ '�1 --aws in conflict with this ordinance are hereby e peal ea and this ordinance shall be in .force and effect from and after is passage. IL ny person, firm, or cor_oration now, or hereafter, engaging in, or carryin( on, the uusiness of plumbing, or installing any plumbing fixtures for the public, in tae City of Li ut1e Rock, must first "file, with the City Clerk, a Surety Bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (45QO.00), said bond to oe executed to the City of Little Rock for tae benefit of any {person, firm, or corporation for whom plumbing work may be done, conditional that such person, firm, or corporation shall not su�r damages resulting from negligent or improper work. Passed: Septemuer 2"r 1 25. Approve Attest; ?City Clerk.