4365r� ORDNANCE NO. 4365• AN 0- L_I?ANCE ESati�LI8HI7G mrr ';IDTH OF STR!,ET IYjl GRADE ELEVATION OF PULASKI STR':':w,T FRO 1' THE r ORTH LIFE OF 11ARK HAM STR7 ET TO TrF SOUTH LINE OF GARLAND A'.71 VTUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas: • � Section 1. .i_2t the width of Pulaski street from harkham street to Garland avenue be and the same is hereby ectablicr•_ed as thirty— six(36) feet betr-,een curbs. Section 2. That the rades of Pulaski street from !:; :arkham str :yet to 'Carla.nd s.venue be and the c a ;re are hereby established as follows: Using the - resent curb Trades of Larkhaxn street on the north side of Pulaski street; thence north to Station 0400, r2hich is the north property line of Yarkham street at -hick station the east curb elevation is 51.20, west curb elevation 89.40; thence north to :station 0+50, east curb elevation 89.50, Test curb elevation 89.20; thence north to station 1 ♦00 east and wect curb elevations 65.50; thence north to station 1450, east and vest curb elevations 87.20; thence north to station 2 +00, east and vest curb elevations E5.80; thence north to station 250, east curb eieiration 5,4.45, west curb elevation 83.90; thence north to : ta,tion 3fOO, ast and i-ect curo elevations to sane (rades ef� curL ret,_,rns on Ga,_r_land a.—enue. The elevations based on the bench mark elevation of 80.73 on the south end of the southwest curb return of Pulaski street and Garland avenue. Section 3. All ordina:ncec, or par. is of ordinances, in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed, and ±his ordinance shall be in full force and e= ^ct fro-Ti &nd after its pas. ale. Passed: August 27, 1928. Attest: i Clerk. Approved: 4• _ Mayor. 0