43254325. ORDINANCE--------- AN OR 1. DINANCE FOR THE BETTER PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH IN TEE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, AR'1'(AN9AS- I ARKANSA8*9 -OTjNCIL OF THE CITYCOF LITTLE ROCK, BE IT ORDAINED B11 THE CITY (1, 1� Corporation, Institut- See. I. N firm o person, f1hTsOn'st 00"'Pany, y or cojnmjsgjOna.,-�, shall ,,,),rovide or install for Iiise, as a I tinill board chan.-�e in or sdwag-e System OT disnosai system for sewage, or Make R addition to any s , within tale cOT-91"-ats limits of the 01 0 ad-d 110.1 system, ns therefor 'nave been sub& Until the plans and spe"ificRtiO Little Rock, Until by the Little Rock Health Department. witted to and f�,,)'OTOV qec. 2. The plans and :7-peoificat"One shall coreiet ()f at least A A map Of the area to be se7ved. D. Profiles Of all proposed sowers. netailed sneci ficatio-Ils of sewer lines, mannvlleS, flush tanks, and &11 stri.10tures pertaining to SeWGTG- D. General and de plans s snecificcitions of propos'ed di spasm systems, together rith proposed locations Of same. cor-oo-r.at, 0- .6 See. 3. Any nerson, qeT�_,Ons, company, fi-.ryr;) - L ,I, inst4tu- tion, board, OT commissioners violating any eedtion of this ordinanoe, shll be deemed g,,-iiltY Of a misdeireenOT, and upon conviction in Little a "Pck MUnici-OR1 Court P-hall be fined In any sum not less than $1010.00 o nor snore than $500.00 Sec. All Orj_jniDnceP_, or -Oartp. of ordinances in conflict here - with are repealed in so far RQ they conflict only. to an ate 1% r nar%4 bei X gee. T t e EA)j be is lth d as preservatic-!n 0 in force and al it s Passe 0,_ City lerk Apprve Mayor, M - � • Page 2 - Ordinance No. 4325• There beine; many cases of inadequate sewvre dis -oosal systems and impronerly constructed and located sewer lines v.,hich constitute a distinct menace to the public health, and there being; no ld� legislation at this ti:Te to nrotect the public against the cre- ation of such conditions in the future, an emerc-ency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance being; therefore necessary for the immediate preservation of the public oea:ce, health and safety, shall take effect and be in force from and after. its passage. Passed: April Q, 192• Attest; ity Clerk Apmroved: i l &�y or