4322DINAN11% M 4122. AN :n-1 Aifn1 AWN1111,10 OtIMT109 919 OF RAUsn MIX"i' Or CITY "DINA�� Ct* AND r"MMITIM)l "''�'!T VIN g OF OPSINANCE 17030 &rid. Q"nleANIt 5086. E IT MnAINED BY ITHT mJTT f,ntTf -f!IL ter- THE 11WYMP LITTLE 'ROCKS Pectlon 1. That `'eation 919 of Hale+n rigeot of the �eatlon 5 of nydinnnee 1706, and Or �!. n nc o 30M be amended to read aa►s, tallowfts Oleo. 919. Wwwwwwwor echrd of Ino-neotion. — ", or ouch lnr nection Paid inmpectorp ohall c bent the follc{vin feer.: ror grown cattle and yenrli,n p, twenty --five c ntp. ench. For calves, rhoopt holgro, goat° *?rid other gmall wnimale, f if teem aunts, each, e "hall °day all fwtid",4 deriv ed th.0"from cav -r to the "Ity �1,olleotor, who phall place the ry rvne to the credit of the in nection fund. Provided that if mW individual., fires or corporation �'hall r1mughter for inonerti n more thim 500 calven, Y }hogs,,, t°heep, z -on'�� or othe�rgy ,• within one Q awt'r/i if� , the tis it rhall oitrlleat a fee of ton centp $ n lieu o! the fee hereinbei"`ore oot out for uoh intpeation, Provided thtIt if any Individual, firm or oorporation shall ola Outer "tnd %ave inapeoted more than ortembundred of p,'rown cattle in any one c alander month, the inopector *hall ool lect a fee of fifteen centm in lieu of the too hereinhefore "et out for Pu6h Inopwtion, Provid d further thnr,t the fees, s,et forth in this section Phacll not anily to, nor be collected from any packing hauee, but any wach pausing hourte Phall nny to the ftty for much lappection, the s,um of five hundred. dollarriR (StOO.00) per annu =, which nhnll be payable ye rly In s dv ;,noa. And all moneyp so areaeived aftlorlsoed, be :leposti.ted to the oa:edit of the (lienerel Fund. The Intpector s, fti ll keep a reoord of all animas inprecte& by bet, �iviatg d000rlptimn, car ,v of identi ficntion, mod owner, n..nd file the s, nt the and of the month vith the ""ity lollec or. 0 action 2. Its lieu of exoeptift 1 paaking houses a x- hereinbefore °yet out, ruch packing hour*v ehall fern i h, n# t their 21 expenpe, to the city inwpector, hatever anmir trait n are neoenoary to facilitate Mll h&ndlingt inereWon or di"PoRal 0 to4oaressaeIRI, meat car mqu+,-producto in their emtablipbment, ''cotion 3. &nj maeb packing planirdoing com-neralal killing for any other per ,-on, p*rpona, firm or aorporazton,, nhall a& all szoaiL to V-m:,v the rqgular ino peat .on fee, '" eetion 4. v* pactingr plant violating. any proyl on of thir ordinanos *ball be doomed guilty c:1 a zL9,dMMMWT,, and upolm oonvi*tlon vhal be fined in any rum not tilm twenty -five nor more titan one-hundred dollark ($100.00). Alp 1 06 Oft r PA eation 50 Thip ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after itr T"),aftslaRef Passed: April 23, 1928. Attest: App d %yor. M