4280ORDLiPdICE LUIMER 4250. AN OR.DIkiA"CE LAYING OFF A POR'i'ION OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK Ii`TO A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS STREET IMPROVEI ENT DISTRICT N0. 496, AND DESIGidATING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF. WHEREAS, Ten or more owners of real property within that portion of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, hereinafter described, have petitioned the City Council to take steps toward the making of local improvements therein by forming the district hereinafter described into an improvement district for the purposes hereinafter set out: Therefore, arl��:nsas. BE IZ' UI;Dr1II ;�D by t= e City Cou.cil of t _.c � * 4 - of Sect ion 1. That the whole of the territory lying yritj i n r- ies hereinafter described be' and the same is hereby laid off into an i-mprover:_ent district for t__e ;urpose of cl_earin , Grading, curbing., guttering, terracing and _�avinS in s�_Lch manner ea-­,d with such materials which the comriissioners of said DT�,roverment District may deem for the best interest of said Irn.)roverient District t e folloWinC streets situate rithin the herein described territories and boundaries, t(-y ;it: Sunrise 'give, from its intersection -.: ith 7'ros; -e ct Aven,� e pit the .,est boundary line of the within described - )rogerty, through Shadowlwan until it intersects Frith Chadow Lane; Sunset Drive, from its intersection .ith Prospect _ "_venue at the ',est boundary line of the ;;_thin described )ron rty, throw Slaadowlawn until it intersects with :shadow Lane; Shadow Lone, rom its intersection with Cantrell itoad at the South boundary line of the y:ithin described _�roy,erty th.rouLh a'.adowlawn until it intersects with the road '_nown as Club Road or Park '17ay at the Forth boundary line of said -ovo ty; L�cho Pass, from its intersection :;ith Shadow Lane through I;hadowlayrn until it intersects - -itl? )eechwood or Cut Off road. Th t t :e follo ; i nC deseribed boundaries and ;ro ,erty: Part of the 11ortheast +quarter (PlE#) of Section Thirty -one (31) , in Township 'A-io (2) I orth, and LL >urtic- Lary described as fol _ows, to-; :it: "Begim:AnE on the ?J_orth line of 0;i6 Section T'l�irty -one (31), at a point which is three hundred seventy -ei ;_ - -it (378) feet l est of the _iortheast corner of said '.'ection `fnirty -one (31), _nd runnin t':ence South, four (4) de{lrees u.nd `shirt, -six (36) minutes *;iest, o distance of One IIundred Lighty- eight and five - tenths (188.5) feet alone_ a line which is parallel with the center line of the Leech Street Gut Uff road, and at a distance of `i'hirty (30) feet 71est from said center line; aild run--qin-r thence So_:th, One (1) degree and five (5) minutes ast, a distance of one hund._•ed e;.Chteen (1.18) feet to a point; and running thence South `Venty -tyro (22) degrees and Forty -nine (49) minutes ",ast, a distance of one hundred twenty - three (123) feet to a Doint; and running, thence South i F w Forty -six (46) degrees and twenty -two (22) minutes Fast, a distance of four hundred twenty -three and seven- ] tenths (423.7) feet to a point, which ' is the cent-,-r line of Cantrell ;:load; and runnin- thence South, ei- r-hty -nine (89) degrees and forty - eight (48) minutes ,'est, a distance of eighteen hundred ninety- ei€;ht and six - tenths (1898.6) feet to the Last line of ?ros_-)e ct Avenue; and runnin" thence j ,'ortli, no degrees and ter? (10) minutes aast, a distance of seven hundred fourteen and three- tenths (714.3) feet to the forth line of said Section Thirty -one (31); c.nO running thence Iorth, eighty -nine (89) degrees and fort-Y- eight (48) minutes Last, a distance of Fifteen Hundred Fifty -six and two- tentIts (1556.2) feet to t?;e point of beginning ", being; a tract of land on Pulaski ' ights and containing; approximately twenty -seven (27) acres, and -vrhich includes Lots rarnbered from Cne (1) to One IFIundred Forty-three 143 inclusive and Lots A B C and D Sha.dotivilawn Addttion, as platted, t'_ie Dill of Assurance and ,Mat h.,_vin [-; been fi±ed for record with the Circuit Clerk and Recorder for Pulaski County on the day of &6Y U a XV , 19 28 t be and they are hereby designated as the boundaries of t7.1e said district, and the territory embraced therein shall be kno:n as Street Irv)rovement :district I O. 496 of the City of Little Roc,:_, -_r'. -,, Ir as. Section 2. That all ordinances and �parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, and t'_._:t this ordinance shall to .e effect and be in force from and after its pil:alication. XXXxWE:dxjtxXx�_ Passed: February_�Q� Approved: Mayor �fi n G City rk: �� �a�