4266/ 4e66 ` vn.:.LJ1+Yi11V \f:J .0. � w AN ORDITIATdCy. DIR JCTI ?" T• AiT LTti Sri: :PATER COT; ?A TO j, --TEId AINT EIGHT (8" )LII\TE' SCT- TL?7ARD IN FLETCHER STRLET FRO!.' ITS SIX (6'f ) INCiH I, AIT; IN EAST 5TH aTRLET TO :]AST 6tj1 STRE]]T S T IY1C.1 EriST;7tu'�D IN s' T 6th STREET TOT T �T_a 01" Tim ,:ISSOLRI -� I IIO Ti; IMOAD C OLPAE- Y AND OPPO_' A ' E TLI TILE COIL ANYj AND Tv 1iuSTI�L.i T1r "�. �;ON ONE BE IT ORDAIMID hY '21L CITY COUNCIL jF TIM CITY Of LITTLE ROCK. $ecti.on 1. The Arkansaw +ater Co-_pany is hereb�r ordered and _� >u directed to install all eiZilt (8 ") inc lime i _etc -.or - et and as wnended by Ordinance 71,,-o.3442, pas: ed I.:arch 24, 1924. Section 3. TILat all ordinances or ',)arts of ordinances in con- flict hererri tl_" are Thereby repealed only in so far as they con- flict with t'.'-is ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect urlr_'i be in force from and after its passaCe. Approved; I•�yor y'us January 9, 1928. attest southward from its present sir (G ") inch Lmin iii -ast 5th Street to Last 6th Street, thence eastward behind the north curb of East 6t1A Street to the Best boundary line of the Tlis- souri pacific Railroad Compw.y and o1))osite the plant of the Little Rock Textile Company, and to install one standard. Ludlo , j fire hydrant at the f ollowinr- locat -i on. :Y On the end of the line ii:-, = . 6th Street west i3 of the ri-ht- of -vray of the ',Missouri 'acific Railroad Company, -and op_osite the plant of y the Little Mock Textile Company. section 2. This line and hydrant8 are ordered in accordance :ritls Section 3 of Ordinance Tvo.3290, passed August 13, 1925, and as wnended by Ordinance 71,,-o.3442, pas: ed I.:arch 24, 1924. Section 3. TILat all ordinances or ',)arts of ordinances in con- flict hererri tl_" are Thereby repealed only in so far as they con- flict with t'.'-is ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect urlr_'i be in force from and after its passaCe. Approved; I•�yor y'us January 9, 1928. attest