4235Y r ORDINANCE NO. 4235. AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF A CERTAIN PORTION OT THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, INTO A LOCAL I_VPROVEu ENT DISTRICT AND DESIGNATI NG THE BOMIDARIES THE._E,OF, SAID DID TO BE KNO1N AS STREET IlaPROITEUENT DISTRICT NO. OF THE CITY CF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS. ere ten or more oirrners of real property within the bounds herein mentioned have petitioned the City Council of the city of Little Rock, Arkansas to take steps toward the making of local improvements therein by curbing, draining and paving in such manner and with such materials as the commissioners o{' said district shall determine to be for the best interests of the district, all that portion of Broza Street, from the North property line of ' "Pest 11th Street to the {Forth property line of West 10th Street; and, West 10th Street from the 'Nest property line of Brown Street to the East property line of Oak Street. Therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Little Fock, Arkansas; Section 1. That Street Improvement District I'o. 488 of the city of Little Pock, Arkansas, be and the same it hereby created, laid out and established for the purpose of curbing, draining and paving in such manner and with such materials as the commissioners of said district shall deter— of to be for the best intere s the district; the portions of Broyun Street and 'pest 10th Street above described in said city of Little Rock, Arkans[.s, in accordance with an act to regulate the manner of assessing real property for local im- provements in cities of the first and second class, approved Mlarch 22, 1881, and amendments thereto. Section 2. That the district heresy created, laid out and established shall include th,:t portion of the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, embraced -ithin the boundaries hereinafter described as follows: a Lots 1,2,3,4 & 5, Block 4, Jones & 'I+orthen's addition Lots 7,8 & 9, " 1, French's addition, Lots 1, 2,3,7�8�° if 2, Ov -,en & ":orthen addition, & 10, 3 n u a Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,5, Lots 7,8, 2,10,11 T. B. yUrtin' s & 1 ?, ' 7 & 8, a �� Lots 5, o, �� tt u Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, 3, 4 11 n Lots 1,2,3.%4,5 & 6, " P Lots 4,5 & 61 if 2, Pov,er s Ir Lots 1,2 3, 3, if " Lots 7,8,9,10,11 It 4 L, ". Coy's Highland addition, & 12, Lots 7,8,9,10,11 & 12, " 8, Forrest Hill addition, It n It Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & H the Yorth '"lest Quarter of the S,�uth " est Quarter of the South t`: ,St Quarter of the South East Qu.:rter, Section 5, Township 1 .North, Range 12 .'rest; and a strip of ground in Section 5, Township 1 North, Range 12 "lest, :gore particularly described as follows: beginninl � t the North Xrest corner of Lot 6, Block 2, Oren & ',orthen addition and run "lest 15.4 feet, thence South 132 feet, thence East 15.4 feet, thence:orth 132 feet to point of bernning; an c e strip of ground in Section 5, Township 1 North, Range 12 West oTe particularly described as follotivs: beginning at the South 'Olest corner of Lot 5, Block 3, of " Oven & ,rorthen addition and run ''orth 125 feet, thence Nest 15.4 feet, thence South 125 feet, thence East 15.4 "T feet to point of beginning. Section 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict Tith this o-Ainance � re hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and -Ou lication; and the city clerk of Little Rock, Arkansas, is hereby ordered withi,. twenty days from the passage of this ordinance to publish the same in some nevs- paper in the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, for one insertion. Passed Approved: tobe 1927- Mayor. Attest: City Clerk.