4148G f f 2 ORDINA1XE 110. 4,144. AN ORDINANCE P =JCING THE A1117JAL ASSESSI-1274T IN THE titEST 24TH STREET AI MX TO STREW I1;"LFROVI11EIfi DIS- TRICT NO. 415. 01EREAS, the present rate of collection in this district produces more money than is needed to meet the bonds and interest maturities; TIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TFr CITY COTNCII OF THE. CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARYANS AS : SECTION 1. That the several lots, blocks and other sub- divisions of real property within the "lest 24th Street Annex to Street Improvement Di stri ct Ito. 415 be, and they are hereby assessed according to the assessment list for said annex as the same now remains in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Little Rook and as the same may be annually readjusted by the Board of Assess- ors, and that eight per centmm (ebb) of said assessment of the value of the benefits on each of said lots, blocks or other sub - divi si ons of land shall be paid annually hereafter on or before the 15th day of January, beginning with January 15, 1928, until the whole of said assessment shall have been paid. SECTION 2: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Passed Ya.rch 21 , 1927. APPROVED: Ma yor .