4084ek xinance No. 408'• 0 k,YIlrG OFF A PO TICY 0157 "'= CITY 1'1170 A SI?).F';TAIK, CM A -,D C WHFM,AS, more than tern (10) ovrners of real property in t-.Lat +portion of the City of Little Rock, in the State, of Ark - ansaa, hereinafter described, have petitioned the Cit;- Council to take steps toward the making of a local improveiaent dis- trict in said City, by formirl" said territory into a local im- provement district for the :purposes 1Zereinafter set forth. N061, I" F,FOP, ►, IT ORDAi? -S BY 'LM CITY COU17CIL OF 7712 CITY OF LTTTLE R0C1r-, APLXTSAS Section 1. That, all of the real property situated 1rith- in the following territory, to -wit: The replat of the W-j of Block Dine (9), Worthen's Sub- division to Little Roc! :, beirZ Lots One (1) to Eia 1t (8) inclusive, and all of tie replat of Bodaaal's Su1b- division of Bloch Ei3l--t (8), l'►or +,.;181:'s SWO- division, beinb Lots O7ie (1) to Ri hteen (18) inclusive, and the W- of Block One (1) Union Depot Addition, being Lots One (1) to EiJ t (3j inc usive, and all of Lot One (1), Bloclh One (1), Capitol View Addition fog tl=e mrpose of building sideyia�4_, ciar'o and gutt�� on t'�e North and South side of Loyd Court; also, beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot Eighteen (18) of the replat of Bodman's Sun - division of Block Eight (8), Acrtliaii's S�?b -di ?? sion; thence South on tho Eaat side of ParL: Avenue to the Southwest corner of Lot Ei,,35it (8) , Block One (1) of Union Depot Addition; tiiE:ilce, b C innirZ. at the Nortl east co f Yie r o I Lot One (l), Bloch One (1), C itol View Addition; thence ?'hest forty -three feet--1431) to the paved sidewalk on Xa.rkham Street. -2- A be, and the sane is, hereby laid off -into a local irAprovement district for the purpose A building sidewalk, curb and nut- ter alone; said a -reet as abo-ve descri_'oed, all of said side- waft, curb and gutter to be of such materials and such dimen- sions and in such wanner as the Cormiissioners to u . af,Iooi_2ted may deem for the best i?Gere '.s of t-ie district; and that Sidewalk Curb nd Gutter x-57 said Distriet be designated 8 Improvez_2ent District r ?c. � of the City of Lit" :"e Roca, Arkansas. Section 2. That, this Ordinance stall iaie effect and be in force froiL and after it.; passage. Passed: September 13, 1026. Mayor AA, tes'i, city Cle rk