4019n ORDI III All CE 110.. Q�� • . • • r AN ORDINUCE x`011 EEGLECT TO inOCUiiE i'1 1IT x'08 T• CHARACTER STRUCTUiES, SIGNS, SIDE�dALKS, BUILDINGS 0.� AT1 z � CdA31 CURBS AND EXC AVATIONS,pENALTY 20-a SaIE,11111) 1'OR OTHM I;UR'OSES. BE IT 01�D.iINED BY `i'� CITY COUNCIL 0 T CITY Oi LITTLE OC1, 9 _ �zuAIa uA5. 5.�`1IOT1 I. Before the alteration, repair, erection, or construction of any building, structure of wall, or of any platform,staging,or flooring, signs, sidtreets'a ermitomuste cutting of curbs or excavations in any be secured in accordance vjith Ordinances 11os. 2799 and 3940. SECTION 2. ,my person, firm or corporation who shall fail to secure permit or required fee starting vrork, ,hall be p enalized fee charged f or the work being done. SECTIO11 3. -` =11 ordaainances m d harts of ordinances in conflict herewith are ei�e�tefeomeandand aftergtlltsdpassage. shall be in full fort Ma 10 192b. f �' Bassed: Y � > Approved: Attes tj-t-� Clerk. Ilo.yo .