4008°fir ••I All 0$DIBABCE DIRBCTINd THE* ARUNSAY1 WATER CMARY TO XXMD ITS LING NORTHVVARD Ili ABIGAIL STREET rRox 23rd ST'REIT TO 2184; $ME'T 9 AND TMCN0E WESTWARD IN Slat STREET FROII ABIGAIL TO WASHINGTON STREETS AND INSTALL ?HRNE FIRE ZMANTS THE9ZOV0 BE IT ORDAIRICD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Seetion 1. The ArYansaw Water Company is hereby ordered and direoted to install an eight (9 ") inch line in Abigail Street northward from the end of its P"60nt fight W) inch lime at Abiga11 and 23rd Streets to Slat Street, anal thence westward r r s S. ►eet to wwmilwtax Atroot + a to jastall alkwaAarA F , Ladlow fire hydrants at the follOWIS9 laeations. Northwest oornsr of 01gatl anal SUL Streets* Northwest 60M#r sf Abigail and Slat Street*. Northeast sorilsr of Slat and Washington Streets, Seetion S. ?his extension and hydrants are ordered in aeoordanoe with Section 8 of Ordinaaoe 32906 parsed. August 13, 19239 and. as � admit& by Ordinance Now 34420 passed Maroh 24, 1924. Seetion 3. That all ord#mnees or parts of ordinances in con - fliet herewith are hereby reptalsd only Insofar as they Qonfliot with this ordinance. Seetion 4. This ordinance $hall take offset and be in fore* from .t`rrs► Its passage., o* passed. • April 12L_1926._ Attest