3911ORDINANCE NO. 39110 A 0DINANCE ESTABLISHING THE WIDTH OF STREETS BETWEEN CURBS AND GROB. "TONS OF EIGHTH MET FROM 40ADWAY TO THAYER AMUZ* AND YOE -OVEM BE IT -ORUINED BY THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of LITTLE ROCKO ARMS". Section 1- ThAt the Widths Of 11$4*h 0-trest from Broadway to.Thayer Avenue, to and the same is herebyvetabli.shed as thirty-six feet between ftl+on Z. That the grades of lighth street from Broadway to Thayer avenue, U and the same are hereby established as shown on the plans -filed in.the office of the Superintendent of Public Works, by the Beer of Street. Improvement I District No. 419* Seotion,,O. All ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shaill be in full force and effect from and after its passage. PA9844: lovember 23, 1925- Av /A Ma yoro 014