3905J 1e-���' 1k �j,rY ?To 3_905 vL i An ordinance f ixing the width of si dewalks t o be constructed by the Commissioners of Sidewalk I_- District District 'TO. 421 within the limits of said District, and for other Purposes. BE, IT 03D_,IDTED by the City ncil of the Cit of Little ?ock; Co.z Y Section 1. The Commissioners ProveMent Di. strict nmissioners o f Sidewalk irz.ansas are hereb No 421 of the Cit f T. rlm; sidewalks theT- y ��uthorized to the-width _.�cx, ,� propose to build within the limits of said sidewalk Im7,rovement District four feet bride. Section 2. any and all ordinance�Or parts thereof, exist and Which are in conflict with the Inch may Of t'-is ordinance, in so 4' provisions as the provisions walks wit'nsn the li y shall affect the x�x� such oni mits o� this District, and jkxx shall be -Y. are herebJ repealed, and this orr'ili =znce its full force and �assage. effect from and after its � Passed: November 23, 1cLI5. Attest: City Clerk _ 46-roved: ?�Yayor.