384001; .�)Ii y C_� 3840. V do : 1. TI at "Il-e width o� est �-'o _rth street between Broadway Cove streets be wild t s .ir.e is hereby- est�ilbiislmed as t1iirty- (36 ) feet between curbs. tion 2. That the grades of :Jest 2ouxth street between Broadviay Cove streets be ai-id t:rie same, are hereby established as shove on as filed in the office of tiie �u -peri-Itendent of 1-ublic Works, by iii l't7Lel of utreet I1Tj3i1 ovei:lei1t j)istrict iio. 400. tion 3, yll ordinances -nd )arts of ordina %ices is1 c�llict �.,_t_� are hereby repealed ric'_ t is crdiiiwiice shall be in lull -le L nd effec � from c nd after• its passage. sed: July 27925. ro