04-14-09MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING City Hall — 500 W. Markham April 14, 2009 4:00 PM The Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, met in a Reconvened Meeting with Mayor Stodola presiding. Nancy Wood, City Clerk, called the roll. The following Directors present: Hendrix; Richardson; Adcock; Wyrick; Cazort; Hurst; Wright; Kumpuris; Vice Mayor Fortson; and Mayor Stodola. Director Keck was absent. Mayor Stodola announced that due to the replacement of the elevator system at City Hall, all Little Rock Board of Directors Meetings would be held at Robinson Center through the end of July. Mayor Stodola stated that he had received communication from Director Keck that he would be out tonight attending to a family illness, and would like the Board to defer the evaluation of the City Attorney due to the fact that he would like to participate in the evaluation. Director Hendrix asked if this would be fair to Mr. Carpenter to keep delaying the evaluation. Mayor Stodola stated that if it is a salary issue and a salary increase is recommended then it would be retroactive, and would not affect the delay. Director Kumpuris made a motion to take a poll of the Board to find out what date all Board Members could be in attendance, and call a special meeting for that date to conduct the evaluation. Director Cazort seconded the motion. By unanimous voice vote of the Board Members present, the motion carried. Director Cazort asked as a procedural matter, would this meeting be deferred, or would this meeting be adjourned. Mayor Stodola stated this meeting would need to be adjourned. Director Kumpuris asked if the Board could go into Executive Session to discuss a procedural matter. Mr. Carpenter advised that it in order for the Board to go into Executive Session, the issue had to be a personnel matter. Due to the fact that the issue was a procedural matter, Director Kumpuris withdrew his motion. Director Cazort made a motion, seconded by Director Richardson to adjourn the meeting. By unanimous voice vote of the Board Members present, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: lerk Mark Stodola,